Movie night

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A/N: You like Bucky a lot and you think it's platonic until one night the realization hits you. You're in love with him. (Ft. Superfam)

I kinda like this I kinda don't idk.


"Attention all Avengers, please note that tonight is a movie night and all of you nasty motherfuckers are obliged to come," Tony's voice called out through the Avengers tower and you could practically hear everyone groan simultaneously.

Movie nights usually ended in a heated debate about said movie and with a diva like Loki present tonight (which was a very rare occasion) it was almost inevitable. None the less, you were actually quite excited because it was finally your turn to pick and you knew exactly what you were gonna make the team watch.

You slipped into your room and threw your duffel bag onto the bed, pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge and giving it a fast chug. You sighed as you pluck it the empty bottle onto the counter and wipe your mouth.

"Y/N!" You heard someone shout and footsteps enter your bedroom, "You're back!"

You turned around and your gaze met with stormy blue eyes and tangled long locks. You smiled and relaxed.

"Hey, Buck-o," you said and he pulled you in for a tight hug.

"I was worried about you," He said into your shoulder and his voice laced with concern and stress. You stroked his tense back.

"Bucky," you said gently, as you dislocated yourself from his grip to look up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck, "You know it's my job,"

"It's a stupid job," He countered, his fingers lacing with yours and pulling your hand forward, surveying the bloody bandages that decorated your knuckles, "It's a dumb stupid job,"

You sighed a tired breath, taking your hand away from his grasp and rubbing your forehead, "We literally have the same profession," You huffed and he flinched before sighing as well.

It seemed like all of eternity had passed as he thought and then finally spoke,
"You're right, it's just that I don't want you hurt," He said softly, resting his chin on top of your head. His metal arm was wrapped firmly around your waist, the flesh one resting comfortably above it on the small of your back and you eased into his embrace.

"I know," you sighed back and snuggled into his chest, the home-y scent of peppermint and wood greeting your senses, "But I can take care of myself, you need to stop underestimating how well I do what I do,"

"I know," was all he said and you both stayed like that for a few minutes, as you listened to the calming ricocheting beat of his heart.
"What the hell are those?"

"You have a problem with my hello kitty pajamas?"

"How are you even allowed to be real?"

"Hey, at least I don't sleep in tight fitted t-shirts and short shorts so I can show off my big fat muscles, you self-preserved whore,"

"I am not a self-preserved whore!"

"Guys, please shut up, no one cares,"

"No, no, no, please let them carry on, it's quite interesting to watch them bicker like dogs,"

"Mr. Rogers, with all due respect, that shirt does look a little too tight,"

"I beg your pardon,"

"Then beg!"

"For Odin's sake will you all shut up!" Thor shouted and everyone quieted down, which, for the time you'd been standing in front of them waiting for them to simmer down, was a miracle. You shot Thor a thank you smile and turned to the team. You opened your mouth to speak but were interrupted, once again.

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