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Caleb wrinkled his nose as soon as he walked into Uncle Walter's house. The smell was unbearable! And the mess was terrible!

 The smell was unbearable! And the mess was terrible!

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Description: A messy living room. There's a wooden floor covered in assorted knick knacks. There's also a white, plush stained rug with assorted objects spilled on it. On the rug is a wooden table with most of the varnish scraped off. The table is covered in papers and other things. There's a cream colored couch with oddly placed red and white pillows. Above the couch, a crooked picture hangs from the wall. There's also a dying plant, a small, wooden table with a sideways lamp, and more slanted pictures. The television is cracked and tilted backwards, and random shelves are tilted and overflowing with books and pictures.

A small baby boy, looking about two, toddled up to them. He was wearing only a diaper. Caleb cringed and looked away.

"Dada!" The child squealed, flinging himself at Caleb's Uncle Walter. Caleb stole a glance at the kid. He was staring quizzically at Caleb. "Who dat?" The kid asked, pointing. Caleb cringed again.

Uncle Walter smiled. "Timmy, that's Caleb. He'll be staying with us for a while." Timmy? Who the heck names their kid Timmy?

"Alright, Caleb." Uncle Walter said. "You can put your bags in- Hello, Veronica!" Caleb turned around, and saw a very short, very pregnant woman. "That's your Aunt Veronica." Uncle Walter said, smiling. "Um, h-hi." Caleb said awkwardly. Aunt Veronica smiled and patted her stomach. "Triplets!" She said excitedly. Caleb felt faint.

Aunt Veronica, Uncle Walter, and Timmy chatted while Caleb stared into space. Suddenly, chaos broke out. Aunt Veronica clamped her hand over her mouth and ran out of the room. Uncle Walter followed, and Caleb could hear her throwing up. He was alone with Timmy.

Timmy toddled over to him and pulled on his jumpsuit. "Why orange?" The kid asked. Caleb sighed. "Because." He said, flatly. Timmy nodded seriously, and walked off to watch television.

After about five minutes, Timmy trotted back over to Caleb. "Hey." Timmy said, pulling on Caleb's jumpsuit again. "What?" Caleb asked, staring down at the child. "Diaper." Caleb's eyes went wide.

"Uh, Walter?" Caleb called. He heard Aunt Veronica coughing and Uncle Walter yelled "You change him, Caleb!" Caleb's face paled.

Timmy led him to his room, and they arrived in a messy nursery. Timmy climbed up on the changing table. A diaper and five wipes were helpfully laid on a table. "Change!" Timmy demanded, laying on his back. Caleb took a deep breath, and undid the diaper.

After that, everything went black.

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