"It's alright, Brindlepool, she's still alive." Mossleaf breathed, looking over at the kit's mother. Bramblekit was pressed against Brindlepool, his pale brown tabby pelt standing on end. Quietkit's head suddenly lifted and her eyes opened, staring directly at her mother. Brindlepool sighed in relief and began carefully nuzzling her kit. Cinderpaw smiled, glad to see that the pale silver tabby kit was still alive and not on her way to StarClan.
"Cinderpaw, want to come and share some prey?" a voice whispered in her ear. The she-cat twisted to meet a dark silver tabby tom and stare into shining river-blue eyes.
"Um s-sure, R-Ripplepaw," she stammered, surprised.
Ripplepaw gave her a friendly shove and paced over towards the Great Rock and the prey pile, his tail throwing up small grains of sand. Still slightly stunned, Cinderpaw shook her head to clear herself from the haze and bounced after him, stopping by his side. Ripplepaw's pelt brushes her's and she fought the urge to blush, quickly snatching up a fish to cover herself up. Ripplepaw ignored her and the two padded over to a branch near the prey pile that was too heavy to move.
Still feeling nervous, Cinderpaw lowered to the ground and instantly began tearing flesh from the fish, gulping it down. Ripplepaw smiled strongly before he tore into his own prey. They sat in silence, the moon rising high into the sky, the stars growing brighter. Cinderpaw didn't notice when a shadow fell over her but when Ripplepaw nudged her softly, she looked up. Ripplepaw happened to be two moons older than her, which meant that he was three moons into his apprenticeship.
"You should retire to the apprentice den for the night," a stiff voice meowed. Branchshadow stood over the two apprentices, glaring at them with a small spark of hatred. His dark brown tabby fur was fluffed up to keep the cold of the night out, despite it being green-leaf.
"Yes, Branchshadow," Cinderpaw and Ripplepaw replied together. They quickly got to their paws and, shaking sand from their pelts, walked off to the apprentice den, their tails dragging along.
A stab of sorrow entered the she-cat's chest as she spotted Amberpaw laying alone in her nest, her tail draped over her nose. Hawkpaw and Dawnpaw were almost pressed against each other, although their nests separated them. The two apprentices had been friends since they had become apprentices, about the same time as Ripplepaw. That was when Cinderpaw noticed the dark silver tom had disappeared from her side, leaving a cold empty space beside her. Sighing, Cinderpaw crept forwards in a crouch, staring at Amberpaw guiltily. The ginger apprentice didn't notice.
As the long night washed over the troubled apprentice, Cinderpaw glanced at her friend in the nest beside her. Surely Amberpaw would have to forgive her? It had just been a silly mistake after all, hadn't it? She'll never want to look me in the eyes again, Cinderpaw thought as she began to drift off into a restless sleep.
* * *
"Don't use your claws, Cinderpaw!" Bluemist yowled, pacing back and forth with a flicking tail. Cinderpaw let out a caterwaul as she sheathed her claws and battered Amberpaw's side, trying not to go too soft on the other apprentice. Amberpaw hissed and went for the attack but stumbled over her tail and tumbled to the ground, dizzy.
"I'm sorry, Amberpaw," Cinderpaw said quietly. "I want things to go back to how they were, before I snapped at you a quarter-moon ago!"
"And I forgive you," Amberpaw sniffed, hauling herself up.
That's what put Cinderpaw in a good mood; that sudden change. Amberpaw's mentor, Hazelrain, rolled her eyes playfully and watched as the two apprentices gazed at each other. Bluemist muttered something under her breath before stepping between the young cats. It wasn't even sunhigh and the two cats were already sharing-tongues! Besides, they had to practice their battle moves. A quarter-moon ago, there had been a Gathering. Cinderpaw and Amberpaw had had to stay behind with a few other warriors to guard the camp. That's when LeafClan accused TideClan of crossing the border.
ωåтєɾfåℓℓ ➳ warriors fanfic
Fanfiction❝Watch my heart burn in the tide❞ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ {1 of Secret Intentions} Cinderpaw has never known the truth. Ever since she had been a kit, she's believed lies others have told her. Is it Cinderpaw's fault that she looks like a cat that had once ha...