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      You returned to the theater, It had been the fifth day of rehearsal and you'd be lying if you said things weren't tense. You didn't know if it was because the pressure Mr. Timbers had been putting on you or if it was the whisperings going around amongst the others but it was pressuring. One good thing though was that you and Alex had gotten a lot more comfortable with one another and you could finally form a sentence without tripping over your words. Matter of fact, you two even planned to get together after rehearsal today.  As friends. Friends getting a drink, alone, together.
      The rehearsal went on as normal and it was surprisingly relaxed, even a few chuckles but you were more than relieved when it was over because like Alex said before, you knew had to have fun. You finished packing your bag and putting away little props lying around and by that time Alex was ready to leave as well so you both left the theater side by side starting up a general discussion.
      "So do you want to fill me in on the gossip or will I have to ask someone else?"
      You asked with a small smirk plastering your face. You couldn't help that you were curious to what the recent chatter was. You noticed Alex's cheeks tint lightly and you were suddenly a little concerned and intrigued.
      "Well it may have gotten out that we were going from a drink tonight, so now everyone thinks there's this secret thing I guess. I wouldn't pay much attention to it though."
      Alex responded hopefully being truthful and telling you. You felt your own face fluster. That can't be right. After all you and Alex just met.. This was just an attempt to get to know each other better, or so you thought.
      "I guess that's a good start to the friendship though. After all they say the best friendships are the ones mistaken for a relationship."
      You attempted to make it a little more light hearted considering you both looked embarrassed, mostly Alex though. He gave a soft chuckle and you returned with your own giggle and a nod of your head. You two quickly changed the subject after that and talked about how they started out, what childhood was like and how its different from now. After all the chatting, you two eventually made it to the pub where Alex opened the door for you. You gave a soft thank you and stepped inside, he following quickly behind to the stool of the bar. You take a seat and wave down the waiter ordering something for yourself, and Alex chimed in what he wanted and stated to just make it one tab. You furrowed your brows at him in a playful way and snickered. You didn't comment on it though because hey, you weren't going to complain. Hours had passed, being a lightweight mixed with the 4 beers and 2 shots caused you to become wasted, slurring your words, and stumbling all over the place.
      The next morning you were in shock because you are not at home. You just woke up on a stranger's couch with a blanket over you and trash bin at your side. You sat up and rubbed your pounding head looking for any clue as to whose house you were in. You prayed you didn't find some random hook up, but if that were the case you'd most likely be unclothed and a stranger by your side instead of a trash bin. You stood to your feet which felt nice on the fluffy carpet and glanced around eventually seeing a picture atop a mantel. You walked to it and glanced. Alex was in it and so was two unfamiliar faces, an older man and woman. You couldn't help but pick up the frame to take a closer look, you didn't feel the smile creep onto your lips but it did and you were grinning. You were more than thankful Alex brought you back safe, not exactly to your own home but at least you weren't at some creeps house. Then it registered, you were /in Alex's house/. You quickly put the picture frame back and collected your things. In your bag you pulled out a receipt and a pen writing a small thank you and explaining you headed home. Then you were rushing out into the crisp air.

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