Chapter 12. Complications

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By the time they reached the hospital wing it was quite obvious to Harry why Malfoy had wanted to avoid anyone trying to take advantage of his heritage. It appeared that the Veela sex drive, once engaged, was far worse than anything his Seraphim heritage had been putting him through so far.

Twice on the way there Harry had had to redirect Malfoy so that he was concentrating on where they were going rather than what Harry was doing.

Harry might have found himself doing strange things to attract Malfoy, but Malfoy seemed to be completely losing his mind to hormones very rapidly. It was actually quite scary. Harry could only pray that Poppy could do something about Malfoy's problem before Seraphim sat up and took note of sex-crazed Veela.

"Mating frenzy," Malfoy said the moment he set eyes on Poppy, "need suppressant, now."

The usually sharp tongued Slytherin was obviously not at his most articulate.

"Mr Potter," the healer said efficiently, "please take a seat at the other end of the room. Mr Malfoy, sit on that bed and I will be back in a moment."

She disappeared as Harry went to do as he was told, and he was slightly worried that it was more difficult than it should have been to walk away from Malfoy. He sat down and tried not to think too hard as he watched Poppy come back from her store cupboard and give Malfoy two potions. The Slytherin downed them like his life depended on it and then sat there fidgeting as Poppy cast some diagnostic charms over him.

"You should feel the effects of the suppressant imminently," she told Malfoy professionally, and Harry did not try and pretend he was not listening. "It will suppress any urges you may be having and if we are in time, give the neutralising potion an opportunity to reverse the mating drive. How do you feel?"

For a moment her patient sat there thinking about this and then a very annoyed frown appeared on his face.

"Like I want to kill Potter rather than do anything else to him," Malfoy said viciously and quite frankly Harry had never been so pleased to hear a threat in his life.

Poppy tutted at Malfoy for that comment but did not elaborate on her disapproval. Harry could not help feeling guilty.

"Mr Potter," Poppy said in the usual formal manner she used when in company, "you may return to this end of the room."

Never one to push his luck, even though he and the healer were good friends, he quickly walked towards to pair. As soon as he reached them Poppy pulled a small bottle out of her apron and handed it to him.

"Drink this," she said, and Harry was not quite sure how much trouble he was in; after all he was supposed to have gone out and just talked to Malfoy and he had returned with him in this state. "It will suppress any reaction you may be having to Mr Malfoy's hormonal state until we have determined if the effect has been reversed. There is an even chance that by tomorrow morning we should be in no worse a position than we were this morning. I have summoned the headmaster and your heads of houses, and when they arrive, I would be most grateful if you would explain exactly what happened."

"It's all Potter's fault," Malfoy said sullenly, but a look from Poppy stopped him from going any further.

Harry opened the bottle and downed its contents, not even bothering to grimace at the awful taste. He was too worried about what was going on. Poppy did not appear happy with him, but then he couldn't really blame her, he had just managed to make a bad situation worse without even really trying. It wasn't as if he could have predicted the lightning strike.

She made him sit down so she could cast a few diagnostic charms, but she said nothing else directly to him as they waited for, as far as Harry was concerned, doom to arrive.

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