Land of the Sirius

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A wooden boat had reached a dock that was filled with people. The first to climb out of the watercraft was a girl the age of seventeen; she had (e/c) eyes, (h/c) hair that had been tied back. Her attire consisted of a (f/c) and (2f/c) hanfu, black boots, a sheathed sword by her waist, and a bag wrapped around her shoulder which could be seen to be carrying her things.

Inhaling deeply, the (h/c)nette looked around with curious eyes. Stalls and stands filled with manufactured goods. "Senior Sister (name), please don't stray too far. We still have to inform Clan Leader Jirov of our arrival." A disciple wearing a light sea-green hanfu called out to the captivated teen.

With a pout painting her face, the one named '(name)' grumbled a response that could be translated to an "alright" before directing her body to face those behind her.

"Listen up, everyone. Remember that we are not the only ones who have traveled far. Other clans' disciples from around have gathered to gain knowledge revolving cultivation. Please be sure to remember to not pick fights with others."

(E/C) eyes lighting up with pride and lips curling up in a trusting manner, (name)'s voice was clearer than cooling water at a lake. Gaining a "this humble disciple understands" from those who accompanied her, the seventeen-year-old girl nodded proudly.

Walking through hoards of people, the disciples eventually walked into a trail outside the town. At the end of said trail, stood a large stone gate and two guards protecting it.

Striding towards the guards, (name) greeted them with a relaxed smile, "hello there! My group and I came here with the purpose of attending the seven months teaching of cultivation." Guiding a hand inside her hanfu, she grabbed the folded invitation.

(Name) handed over the folded paper, allowing both guards to read over it. Soon after, the two guards stepped to opposite sides with a bow, allowing the group of disciples to pass by. Now on the other side, (name) observed her surroundings in awe.

Buildings lined with cobblestone paths, complemented by flowers of all kinds. A few bridges that arched over a running creek. A lantern hung on every other house which would soon illuminate the night along with the moon.

A scene to behold.

"Are you here for the cultivation lessons?"

Hearing a sudden voice caught (name) off guard. Swiftly turning to the voice, (e/c) orbs landed on mature, icy blue ones. There a man stood with hair that represented freshly fallen snow with eyes that mirrored a frozen lake. Quickly realizing that she was starting to stare, (name) bowed in a respective manner; "yes, we are! We are from the (last) Sect. I am (name) (last), may I ask your name?" The teen asked politely.

A chuckle left the man's lips as he gave a bow himself before placing a hand on (name)'s shoulder, signaling her to rise. "No need to bow, Lady (last). I am the eldest son of Alexei Jirov, Mikhail Jirov." Surprised to have met the first son of the royal family, (name) including her fellow disciples she brought with her, stared in shock.

"Master Jirov, please forgive my rudeness in not immediately going to you and your father to inform you of our arrival! I was just so taken back by the beauty of your home." (Name) dipped in a quick bow with a slightly panicked expression.

This earned another chuckle from Mikhail, "it's quite alright, Lady (last). I'm happy to hear that you enjoy our hard work in making our home more presentable. Come, I'll lead you to my father's office where you can tell him all you need to." Upon hearing the man's offer, a relieved smile eased onto (name)'s face as she accepted the offer.

A few turns on the cobblestone paths was all it took to get to the main house where the clan leader would be. When the group arrived, Mikhail was the first to move as he went to knock on the wood of the sliding door. "Come in." A voice projected from inside.

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