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Thankfully, dinner went by smoothly. When Yuliy and (name) arrived, Mikhail had just sent out people to call for the others and offered them to sit. (Name) had sat herself by Yuliy after informing him that he was the only one she felt close to. That even her fellow disciples from the (last) Sect despised her so a change in surroundings and characters was refreshing. Ryoko had eventually arrived and asked the (h/c)nette about her punishment, shocked to learn she had to right 'fighting is prohibited' four hundred times. Philip even tried to stir trouble again but was stopped due to Alexei's appearance.

All in all, dinner had been peaceful.

The night carried out shortly as (name) sat at the table in her room with a pot of tea and a filled cup in her hands while the window was open; allowing the moonlight to reflect itself off the tea in the small cup. (Name) took a sip, inhaling the soft scent of fruit flowers.

She continued to sit there all night; eventually, her tea had become lukewarm- even cold. The moment the sun began to start its reign, (name) heaved a heavy sigh, 'once again, I've passed another night by keeping myself awake.' Her lips formed a pout as she stood herself up to get dressed. The bell wouldn't ring in another eight hours but (name) felt restless after a night of silence- but she should be familiar with that. After all, the night before was the only night in a long time that she had gotten a full night's rest.

Replacing her night robes with new ones, (name) put on her boots before grabbing her sword that laid on the table; "come on, Morality. Perhaps taking a stroll will help." Her voice was soft as she strapped her sword to her waist and quietly left the room. Walking out of the building, (name) decided to just let her feet guide her while she took in each sight she had taken in briefly before.

With light steps, (name) made her way through the village. When she thought about it, she never took the time to walk around and observe the beauty of the land. The soft and vibrant colors of flowers and the sweet scent they filled the air with were almost soporific as they eased the mind and body.

(Name) inhaled deeply, allowing the floral scent to flow through her veins. Everything looked so aesthetically pleasing that the seventeen-year-old had to stop and take everything in.

As the hours ran by, eventually the bell had been rung and (name) saw more people walk around. They all greeted her with a smile and she did the same- she even began to see more dogs walk around. 'I completely forgot that the Land of Sirius was also renown for its dogs.'  A soft smile slipped onto (name)'s face as she saw a dog approach her. Gifting it with a pet on the head, (name) continued on her way to the dining hall where she knew breakfast would be ready.

Breakfast consisted of rice, beef stew with veggies, freshly cut fruits, and herbal tea. (Name) sat down and ate while watching others come in to dine- although it was only a few. The few in the dining room didn't speak to each other but it wasn't like the silence was awkward. It was like all the quiet people coming to eat while enjoying the presence of one another.

More people began to fill in the dining room and gather into groups as they did so. Ryoko had eventually come in and sat beside (name) with a bright smile that the (h/c)nette greeted happily.

"Good morning Lady Naoe."

"Good morning Lady (last)! I hope you slept well last night."

(Name) released a sudden cough to cover her amused laugh. Hearing the awkward response, Ryoko raised an eyebrow in bewilderment; "don't tell me you didn't sleep last night" she said with a frown. Giving a sheepish chuckle, (name) turned her head away "well, moving that topic aside, what do you suppose will be the first thing we learn about today?" Giving a sigh of defeat, Ryoko decided to go along with the grinning teen's discomfort.

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