Fight and Punishment

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After (name) took her seat, Mikhail opened his mouth to speak; "now that everyone is here, I'd like to explain the rules around here to you guys." He began seriously. Standing up, he began to walk around the classroom.

"As I am sure you all are now aware- you will be woken up at eight in the morning. Lunch and dinner will be in the Banquet Hall. I will call for people to inform you and lights are out by ten. Now for the rules..."

As Mikhail began explaining the rules, (name) placed her elbow on her desk allowing her head to lay on her palm. Her head spun from having to run so soon after waking up. Her back ached from her sleeping position while her neck ached due to her sleeping on one side of her face for a long period of time. But her mind had been cleared out the night before so she tried not to think about the pain too much.

Soon after Mikhail finished explaining the rules of the Sirius, everyone was dismissed and class would officially start tomorrow. All of the disciples stood up preparing to leave until someone's voice projected over all the other ones.

An unsuspected voice.

"Look at her. Late for the first day and doesn't even look presentable. No wonder why people call her a troublemaker."

Turning their attention towards the voice, a blonde male with sky blue eyes in a yellow hanfu with white clouds decorating it stood with his nose in the air. 'His eyes choke on arrogance' (name) thought to herself.

There the blonde stood with a cocky grin as four other disciples grinned with him. It was more than obvious he had more to say. "Lady (last), you really have a talent for failing, don't you?" His voice sweet with the disgusting feeling of pride.

(Name) could only bow, "Master Philip, I simply overslept." That didn't sit well with the blonde because he gave her a hostile glare, "simply overslept? I heard from within the grapevine that you don't usually sleep-" "if you have nothing else to say, I will take my leave."

Not getting the reaction he wanted made Philip's glare harsher as he gritted his teeth. Everyone was beginning to walk out of the building believing the squabbling was done and over with.

Philip had other plans. He decided to change the topic of his argument.

"Tch. Where are you going? Are you so much like your whore mother that you're going to find men to sleep with?"

This got (name) to stop in her tracks. Seeing her reaction, the blonde grinned knowing he had hit a sensitive spot. "No answer? That only confirms what I said. So who will it be? Your victim." Philip's prideful manners were almost too sickening for the teen girl to stomach. Unfortunately, she knew all too well how others would react.

(Name)'s (e/c) gaze turned harsh and she could hear others laughing and talking about her. By this point, she was used to it. It didn't bother her anymore how bad people viewed her- but when Philip brought up her mother, she couldn't stand it.

Yuliy saw this from a distance. He could practically feel her seething rage waiting to burst like a volcano. When his gaze fell to (name)'s hands, his eyebrows arched upon seeing it clenched with anger. Was she holding back?

"You and your whore of a mother are the same. You both thirst for men! I bet, right now, she's doing one of your servants without your father's knowledge! Ha! I feel bad for your father who was swayed by such a disgusting and shameless woman."

It took only a second. Within a blink of an eye, (name) had ran up to Philip and punched him in the jaw. Gasps were drawn from the lips of others at the flash of action that didn't even last a second.

With Philip on the ground holding his face in pain, (name) panted from a rush of adrenaline. She wanted to do so much more than punch this blonde peacock but couldn't due to Ryoko grabbing her arm, stressing that she shouldn't. (Name) looked back at Ryoko before glancing at those around her.

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