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The walk to the main house wasn't far but to (name), it felt as if she was being put on death row. She committed a huge violation to the rules so it was only natural that she had to be punished, but she felt a sense of being outdone. Technically the fight wasn't her fault, Philip was the one who threw the first punch but she was the one who overstepped the boundaries.

"The last thing I need is to be released from the class entirely." (Name) informed herself. If she was sent back home now then not only would she be a laughing stock, but her parents would be to blame. In all honesty, her parents were the only ones who didn't see her as a troublemaker- maybe a bit reckless but never pass the extent of it being an annoyance.

With a sigh, (name) came to the realization that the main house coming closer and without a moment's doubt there was Mikhail. Standing at the gate with his arms crossed and a sterned look on his face made the (h/c)nette feel a wave of nervousness. At the same time, she felt a need to hold her head up high to prove that she (technically) wasn't in the wrong and she needed to prove it.

Her steps were heavy and slow. Her ankle felt painfully uncomfortable to the point she felt her lips twitch downwards for a split second. Forcing an indifferent expression to paint her face, (name) bowed in respect upon standing in front of the snow-haired man. Looking up at Mikhail's stormy/icy blue eyes that held disappointment, the teen felt herself flinch. Mikhail didn't even say a word before turning to walk into the estate with (name) following behind... agonizingly slow. Now that she kept walking, the pain on her ankle was beginning to feel a little too intolerable. But she had to keep going in order to prove that she wasn't weak. That she wouldn't be affected by a situation like this.

In the courtyard where Alexei, Sachi, Yuliy, stood, the (h/c) haired teen saw Philip and his friends kneeling in front of them. For a second, panic arose in her chest until she took a deep breath; no matter what she said, she'd have to suffer the consequences anyway so what was the point in being nervous. Now with her heartbeat steady, (name) prepared herself for whatever her punishment may be. Standing beside Philip, it took (name) a second to kneel. She had to resort to biting her tongue to suppress any sound of pain before the clan leader stood.

"Lady (last). Young Master Philip."

His deep voice boomed with utter disappointment.

"I'm ashamed to have heard that you started a fight which resulted in the use of spiritual energy." Alexei's glare made a shiver go up (name)'s back. She felt small and inferior as the clan leader continued speaking: "you both know the rule- especially you, (name)" the mentioning of her name made (name)'s gaze shoot down for a second before trailing back up while avoiding the man's icy blue eyes.

(Name) wanted to open her mouth to defend herself but she knew it would only be futile. No one listened to her in the first place so she fought against the urge to talk.

"The use of spiritual energy against another is forbidden and the fact that you were fighting doesn't help. Both sides will be punished!"

Alexei announced to the guards that stood behind the two groups.

"Philip and his group will kneel here all night while (name) will have to kneel under the waterfall by the west side."

Yuliy's eyes widened at the mentioning of the water at the west. There were two waterfalls in the Land of Sirius. A spirit cleansing one and the one used for punishments- the one by the west. The reason being that the west one is harsher and more powerful while the spirit cleansing one was calmer. Kneeling all night wasn't the easiest task- and with the fact that her ankle was hurting immensely didn't help either.

A silence had filled the air and Yuliy opened his mouth to defend the girl but was stopped when she replied "this disciple understands" with a bow of her head. 'You idiot!' Yuliy mentally shouted knowing fully that if he tried to speak out now the result would remain the same.

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