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A couple of minutes before class had officially started, everyone had sat in their seats assigned to them. When Yuliy sat down, he noticed that (name) was seated not too far away from him. Two rows to his right and two seats in front.

Noticing someone gaze at her, (name) turned around. Seeing that Yuliy wasn't too far away, the teen waved excitedly. Ryoko had been seated in the front row so (name) felt a little alone, but now that she's seen how close she was to Yuliy she felt relieved.

"I'm glad to see that everyone is able to make it today." Mikhail started off the class with a charming smile. His voice was smoother than silk as his presence presented itself nicely. A toothy grin made its way to (name) face knowing that Mikhail was making a vague suggestion towards her. And it wasn't just (name), but everyone else chuckled knowing who Mikhail was talking about. The only one who didn't laugh was Yuliy; his face not losing its serious appearance.

Mikhail cleared his throat to gain back the class's attention. "Since today is your first day of class, I'll go easy on all of you," Mikhail started with his hands crossed behind his back making his stance firm. With a small smile, the snow-white haired Jirov glanced at every student; "you are to write an introductory speech due by the end of this week. This'll allow you time to think of what to present to your peers." Everyone was a little surprised that this was the first assignment on the first day of class. Usually, everyone had to present a gift as a greeting but that seemed to fly over the eldest of the Jirov brother's head.

Everyone was given bamboo paper to write on and class was dismissed upon Mikhail announcing that lessons will begin tomorrow.

Heading off to her room, (name) walked with a casual air. 'Since it's just a speech about us, I don't have to take it too seriously, right?' She asked herself as she opened the door to her room, placed the papers down on her desk, and headed out with the mindset to do it later (this is me).

Her destination was unclear, even to her, but she didn't care. She allowed her feet to guide her while she played with the hilt of her sword. The (f/c) bands that wrapped the hilt with light coverage earned to be comfortable to caress. Once again, (name) felt her mind wander off into whatever thoughts they wanted to drown in.

'If I introduce myself, no will listen anyways.' She told herself and, honestly, that wasn't an exact lie. She's already experienced the silence of a crowd so she didn't expect much. But even so, she wanted to try because if she couldn't write for the class then she could write to Yuliy and Ryoko. Perhaps they would be the only ones to listen. 

"Look, isn't that Lady (last)?" An obnoxiously familiar voice rang out catching the girl's attention. Looking to the left, (name) saw Philip with his fellow followers. With a bow, the (h/c)nette greeted the group "hello Young Master Philip. I suppose you also ditched your work" she gave a smile. 

Philip glared at her welcoming tone. It pissed him off. 

"That's none of your business, and I suppose you are off to seduce a man." 

His voice held scorn and his eyes carried malice. Why did he hold such dark intent? "Young Master Philip, I'm simply going for a walk to clear my head. I suggest you do the same" (name) remarked with the slightest of frustration. Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one getting worked up. 

Not even giving his followers a glance, Philip nodded his head and the four disciples ran towards (name) with daggers for glares. Dodging their punches one by one, (name) maneuvered her body to spin around each guy. Her form was graceful as she spun delicately with accuracy making her seem almost like a dancer. 

When the four disciples came from all directions, (name) jumped up in avoidance. Suddenly, the (h/c)nette noticed only three men below her. Looking around in alert, the sudden feeling of someone grabbing her ankle made her gaze trail down. 

One of them jumped behind her and grabbed her. 

Slinging her down, (name) felt her ankle twist uncomfortably as she landed roughly on her side. Seeing the other three come at her, (name) pushed her legs up with the help of her arms and spun her body while extending out her legs, tripping the three of them. 

"Lady (last)! Young Master Philip!"

Disregarding the shouts of whoever was running to the fighting teens, they began throwing punches. (Name) got up and punched one of the guys in the face as the adrenaline rushed through her veins. 

It wasn't until someone pulled her away that she stopped. Huffing with adrenaline, (name) tried to pull away from whoever was holding her. 

She needed to show these guys that she wouldn't be messed with. 

"Lady (last)!"

Hearing her name being called out, (name) looked up at the one who called her name. Seeing those familiar sapphire orbs, (name) stopped struggling for a second before she tried to yank her way to freedom, "Master Jirov, don't stop me! These five started it!" "Ha? We started it? You were the one who confronted us first!" The commotion attracted people nearby.

"Little bastard! I'll punch that proud mouth of yours!"

"Try me you slut!"

A big divide. Yuliy was holding (name) back while a group of people held back Philip and his group. The shouting eventually reached Mikhail who came rushing to the scene. 

"What is going on here?" The confused master asked as he looked at both sides. Observing each sides' injuries, Mikhail came to the conclusion that a brawl just took place- also judging by the threats made by the two opposing teens. "Lasy (last), Youg Master Philip. Please stop this childishness." Mikhail begged. 

"I'll stop if this bastard of a peacock stops trying to pick a fight with me!"

"How dare you? You're the one who attacked me and my fellow disciples, lying bat! It's a wonder why your father hasn't thrown you or your mother out yet!"

Freeing one arm from Yuliy's grasp, (name) flicked a bit of spiritual power to hit Philip's forehead. 

Fighting was already forbidden, but if anyone were to bring spiritual energy into them, it gained you an even severer punishment. 

Frustrated, Mikhail shouted both (name) and Philip's names in the most venomous voice you would ever hear from the man. Feeling chills jolt up their spines, the two stopped and looked at the older brother. 

"I am disappointed in both of you. Lady (last), I believe this is your second punishment so I expected you to hold back, but your use f your power is a major violation. I want to see both of you at the Clan Leader's door."

Then he walked off. The first to leave was Philip, tugging his arms away and letting out a "hmph," he and his followers left to the Clan Leader's residence. For a second or two, Yuliy kept his grip on (name)'s arms tight until he made sure Philip was out of sight. 

"Master Jirov... I-" (name) didn't say anything more as she turned to make her way to Alexei's residence, leaving Yuliy alone. Watching (name) walk away, Yuliy frowned. 

"I saw everything. Even now, you're limping yet you won't say a word."

( ु⁎ᴗᵨᴗ⁎)ु.zZ( ु⁎ᴗᵨᴗ⁎)ु.zZ( ु⁎ᴗᵨᴗ⁎)ु.zZ

Another fight with Philip(ー△ー;)I swear I'll give you guys some bonding moments later. 

"Master Jirov." -When you are alone with Yuliy there is no need to say "Second Brother" because you don't need to differentiate between him and Mikhail. 

Ya'll it's a miracle I updated today. I'm eating strawberry mist frosting while typing this so who knows what I'll say but I just wanted to let you know that I am busy doing a research paper for my English HN class and working at my job. 

Btw Yuliy's "character theme" is going to be Break My Heart Again by Finneas. I love that song so much especially for Yuliy and you'll see why at the end of the story. 

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