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(Name) and her group had found their rooms on the sixth floor. The bamboo doors decorated with a wooden floral pattern creating a sense of hospitality. Inside the room laid out a bed beside a small window, a desk on the other side of the room, a closet where one would put their clothes, and two tables- one near the bed as a nightstand and the other in the middle of the room.

Amusingly, on the table in the middle, laid out a teapot with several cups. Walking up to the table, (name) kneeled down and opened the kettle. Upon opening the fine china, steam escaped the trap of a light blue lid which indicated that there was tea inside.

Pouring herself a cup, (name) took a whiff of the tea. "It smells sweet yet nutty," she noted to herself before taking a careful sip. Savoring the taste, the (h/c)nette noticed it had a sweet and buttery taste that wasn't too strong- it was refreshing. A small, content smile made its way to (name)'s face as she took another sip.

"The Land of the Sirius isn't renowned for its tea for nothing, after all." (Name) grinned to herself. Not only did they keep a lot of flowers for decoration, they also made use of it with tea. Various teas made from flowers such as lavender, chrysanthemum, marigold, lily, myosotis, jasmine, honeysuckle, peach blossom, plum blossom, and many other are grown in the Land of the Sirius.

Time had passed and (name) laid in her room, too tired from her long journey to go out for a walk. The weather was nice and warm- expected from the weather of early spring, making it more comfortable for (name) who was laying her head on the table with another filled teacup in her hand. The scent of the tea put her mind at ease causing her to doze off.

The sun lit her room in a slightly orange glow, creating even more of a relaxing setting. Closing her (e/c) eyes for a second was all it took for (name) to succumb to a sleep she didn't realize she needed.

Lately, her life at home was becoming overwhelming. Her parents had considered looking for a husband for her despite her continuous refusal. People began to talk about her more. Demons terrorized the nearby lands which caused a stir of panic within the people frequently; in addition to that, she had gotten less and less sleep from nightmares that woke her up in cold sweat. So having the time to relax like this was as if the heavens had given her a break from life and opened a door of warmth.

Perhaps it was the tea as well. The light flavor and floral scent that came along with the steaming beverage must've made her muscles relax and her mind ease.

As the night dragged on, no dream had attached itself to (name)'s mind. It was the first time in a long time that she didn't have her mind filled with thoughts that kept her up; that she had a nightmare; that she had actually gotten rest.

The morning eventually came with the sun starting a new reign. Night blue clouds in the sky were painted gold by the sun while the sky itself became a gradient of colors. Even the night air was getting warmed up by the heat of the sun.

A few hours after the sun was raised, a gong could be heard from across the land. People awoke from the sound and got ready for the day while (name) only grumble a few curses before proceeding to sleep. She had been too deep in sleep to remember what Mikhail told her the day before.

At least ninety minutes passed before someone persistently knocked on the door making (name)'s eyes fluttered open in annoyance, bringing her head off the table. Rubbing her eyes as she stood from her kneeling position, the seventeen-year-old made her way to the door. "I'm coming. I'm coming. Please stop knocking already." She yawned while placing her hand on the door.

Sliding the door open, (name)'s (e/c) orbs met with brown ones. With another yawn, she directed her face away from the person. "Can I help you?" She asked with hostility lacing her words. The girl in front of her with brown eyes bowed, "L-Lady (last)! I am Lady Naoe from the Naoe Sect and I've come to tell you that I've been given the task to escort you to class." It was obvious how stiff the brunette was but there was also a hint of fear dredging on her features.

"Escort me? Why is that, Lady Naoe?"

The moment that the brunette dressed in a dark blue hanfu said "because you are thirty minutes late," (name) slammed the door to refresh herself. Tearing off her hanfu, (name) got dressed in another as to not reveal her inability to bathe last night.

Searching her room, the urgent teen looked for her sash that she knew she placed somewhere. Deciding to just use the same one, (name) quickly twisted the cloth around her body. Grabbing her sword and throwing on her boots, (name) slammed the door open and grabbed an awaiting brunette's hand.

"Let's go!" (Name) shouted anxiously. The brunette known as Ryoko gave a hum in agreement while she and the (h/c)nette ran. Taking a glance at (name)'s appearance, Ryoko noted aloud her messy hair to which (name) responded with a "it can stay that way."

Across bridges and twisting by people, the two teen girls ran up a flight of stairs that led to their classroom. Hearing rushing steps and quick breaths, everyone in the building gazed in the direction of the noise. Seeing two feminine figures dashing in, some sighed while others laughed.

Instantly, after reaching the inside of the building, (name) rushed to the front of the classroom, letting her hands and forehead touch the ground in a bow. "Teacher! I apologize for being late! I swear it won't happen again!" Despite being completely out of breath, the (e/c) eyed teen's voice was still clear. It was even harder to catch her breath due to bowing in such a compact way.

A few seconds passed by in silence before a sigh was heaved.

"Please rise, Lady (last)."

Recognizing the voice, (name) looked up seeing a familiar twenty-seven-year-old. "Lady (last), I understand you had a long journey so I will not hold your tardiness against you today. Please be sure to be on time in the future." Mikhail's voice held clarity- something (name) respected about him.

Giving a wide grin, (name) bowed again, "thank you for your forgiveness, Eldest-brother Jirov!" Unknowingly to her knowledge, a seventeen-year-old male dressed in a light blue hanfu with raven black hair with a large white streak and sapphire blue eyes stared at her with shock.

He found her grin familiar. It took a moment but once he considered all the girl's features with her grin, it all made sense. He had seen her once before when they were children.

Wanting to call out the girl near him, the male opened his mouth to speak which only came out as a small mumble:

"It's you..."

c(ˊᗜˋ*c) c(ˊᗜˋ*c) c(ˊᗜˋ*c)

Hi hi~!! So I know the plot is moving slowly (believe me- I know) but that's because this is the start of the story. Soon, we'll be digging more deeper in the story so please be patient.

I'm still working on the epilogue for 'It's Complicated' so look forwards to that too (I will eventually get to finishing it).

If there's anything in the story you don't get then please don't be afraid to ask! If you think I got any information wrong then please don't be afraid to correct me. I'm just going by with what I know and what I got from google.

I'll see you next time!! ☆⌒(*^∇゜)v

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