01 • new roommate!

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For a few quiet seconds, I can do nothing but stare at the person in front of me. Eyes the hue of maroon meet mine, along with skin so pale it appears like it's glowing even though the hallways are dark and most of the lights have been turned off. The stranger's expression is one that's blank, staring right into my soul with an emotionless intensity that leaves me fumbling for the right words to say. His hair shimmers, a vibrant mixture of ebony and crimson, and the strands lay smooth yet unruly on his head.

He brings out a paper from his pocket, his other hand clinging onto the handle of his large suitcase. Then he stares up at the door, observing the room number plastered on it.

"Uhm," I finally find it within me to say. The silence causes the struggle I have with forming a sentence all the more apparent, and I let out an ungraceful sounding cough. The sound is rough and bounces off the walls of the nearly empty corridors, much louder than it should've been.

The stranger watches me, and all it takes for me to shut up is one look at his scarlet shaded eyes. It's as strange as it is embarrassing, as I'm usually not one to get so nervous easily. Though I'm not the most social person around, I usually have no difficulties speaking to new people.

Until now.

I clear my throat again.

"Is this Room 372?" the male speaks for the first time tonight, and though his tone is more on the questioning side, he still sounds like he's stating a fact.

"Uh... Yeah," I rub the nape of my neck, anxiety swirling within the pits of my stomach. The guy's gaze never leaves my face the second I start talking, and it takes everything in me not to take a step back and close the door in his face. But I'm not that dramatic.

His eyes burn metaphorical holes into my face, his sculpted jaw and high cheekbones making him appear all the more manacing. His whole presence screams 'danger', and the silence isn't helping that fact.

Fuck, Jung Wooyoung, I chastise myself. Say something!

The male speaks again. "You're Jung Wooyoung... right?" Yet another question that's poised as a statement. When I nod, he continues to speak. "You're my new roommate."

"Uhm, yeah," is my highly intelligent response. "I guess so, since you're here with your suitcase and all."

Every bit of my brain yells 'stop talking!', and then I look at the floor, observing my bunny slippers as if they're the most interesting things in the world. The white fluffy things may appear a little childish to most people, but I love them to bits as they're cute and very comfortable.

I look back up only to see that the guy is now watching my bunny slippers.


"Uhh, you can come in," I say a bit distractedly, opening the door a bit wider to allow him entrance into the dorm. It's a relatively comfortable living space that's made for two people, with all the necessary furniture it needs and all the rooms protected from hazardous dark magic. There's honestly nothing special about the school dorms as they're all nearly identical (with a few ones catering to creatures with special needs -- like mermen and mermaids, for example). It's basically like most colleges that have their own dorms, except for the fact that a majority of the students enrolled here aren't human. And since we aren't human, the school administration doesn't take too kindly with rule breakers and reckless behaviour, which is why my previous roommate had been kicked out in the first place.

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