14 • kiss me!

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Later that night, I awake after a particularly weird dream and the sudden inexplicable urge to drink something. Throughout the entire day I'd been feeling a bit off, and the strange, uncomfortable feeling amplifies whenever I think about what San had told me about his family history and that demon possession issue.

Mind you, despite the fact that this new bit of information worries me (a lot), I still want to believe that we'll be able to solve the problem in no time and stop me from becoming a mindless slave whose only goal in life was to take orders from the person who bit me -- which in this case happens to be San.

'Slave' sounds oddly inappropriate, don't you think? A voice in my head ponders, and I roll my eyes, already growing agitated. At this point, I hope I can make it to the kitchen on time and get myself a refreshing glass of water without any particular incidents or further annoyances from the voices occupying my mind.

Of course, with a simple spell I can whirl the glass of water straight into my room, but alas, I'm too tired to remember the spell due to how busy my mind currently is, and I don't really want to rely on magic too much. Yeosang already says I'm becoming too lazy and too willing to cast spells instead of doing it the hard way, and I want to prove him wrong.

You're so dirty minded, ew,
Another voice complains, their words vibrating through my head. You think San would like that if he knew about it? No, he wouldn't, so shut up.

He would, because he likes Wooyoung. And I'M Wooyoung, bitch, the other voice echoes.

YOU'RE the bitch, not me.

Bitch, the first voice answers.

Who are you calling bitch, bitch.

Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch --

"Shut. Up," I want to smack the both of them, but they're inside my head and I'm -- once again -- too tired to recall the spell used to cast them out. And I also don't want them embarrassing me in front of San again. I'm just immensely glad that he's asleep right now.

I try to imagine the image, no matter how corny or slightly creepy it may seem. I think of San laying underneath his grand covers, his fluffy grey hair splayed over his pillows in soft waves and his eyes closed, dark lashes grazing the soft skin of his cheeks.

I remember us cuddling each other yesterday night, as well as when we kissed, and a goofy sort of grin widens on my face. I must look a bit deranged right now, with my slightly crumpled up pyjamas, wild bed hair, and a smile that probably rivalled that of a hyena's, but I don't mind it. I don't mind it at all.

I slap myself a bit, cringing at how hot my cheeks have become. What the hell am I doing blushing and smiling like a crazy person in the middle of the night at the thought of the boy I kissed today?

IT'S MAGIC!, woosanWhere stories live. Discover now