04 • only friends!

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I can be quite lazy at times, as I'm the type to value relaxation and contentment above a lot of things. And by this I mean I like to sleep a lot.

But why am I suddenly so restless tonight? As soon as Hongjoong and the others left after a couple rounds of a very chaotic Mafia game, I immediately couldn't get even a wink of sleep the minute I entered my bedroom earlier tonight.

I just laid in bed -- just as I'm doing right now -- staring blankly at the ceiling as I recalled the animated events that took place before I went to sleep. More specifically, I thought about a certain someone.

San never really reacted throughout the few movies we'd watched, only responding to the borderline invasive questions Hongjoong shot at him from time to time. But, as soon as Yunho suggested we play the Mafia game, I got to see a new side of him entirely.

He got a lot more talkative, asking everyone a series of questions while eyeing them under his inquisitive stares. He also was incredibly intuitive, and managed to sniff out the hidden mafia in the first round quickly, which happened to be Yeosang (no surprise there).

He'd also managed to convince us that he was a normal citizen when he became the hidden mafia on the second round, which makes me believe that he'd pretty good at acting. Which kind of scares me, but still.

I exhale and turn over on my bed, sinking lower beneath my duvet and closing my eyes shut. I bite my lip when the image of San's triumphant smile after he'd won that round of Mafia flashes behind my eyelids. At that time, he'd looked so happy that his eyes sparkled, and it was then I realized that maybe...maybe looks can be decieving after all.

My eyebrows crease as I let out an annoyed groan. Stop thinking about San, Wooyoung, my mind grumbles at me, and I try to. Believe me, I tried a lot, but somehow San's wide smile doesn't really want to leave my head.

A sharp sound slices through the air, breaking the previous silence in half. In a second I become alert and sit up.

What was that?

It sounded like something had fallen, and probably broke, considering how sudden it was.

I stay still for a few more seconds with bated breaths, feeling a bit apprehensive, and that's when my ears pick on the distant mumbling of words I can't decipher. The voice sounds familiar. It sounds like... San?

In an instant, I stand up, deciding on skipping out on my bunny slippers as I head out the door barefeet.

The floor's cold against the soles of my feet, but I ignore it as I continue to trek into the main room.

Shit, I think as soon as I step into the living room. It's completely dark in here, save for the minimal light coming from the other dorms a couple feet away from here. I look around, trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness when they fall on something in the kitchen.

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