10 • little jealousy!

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Seven pm arrives, and suddenly there's this indigo blue portal in the livingroom, swooshing and swirling all about, and it would've been totally nervewrecking if I hadn't already gone through it a couple times before.

I peer over the couch at San, who's already dressed up in a comfy looking tie-dyed hoodie and dark jeans, and shoot him a calm smile.

He looks nervous about the portal's sudden appearance, which means he's probably never done this before.

"You have your ticket, right?" I ask, standing up. Since I'm such a gentleman, I help San to his feet as well, trying really hard to ignore the heat that swells under my chest at his very touch.

"Can't get in without it," I continue.

San nods, and it's then I notice our hands are still entwined. Clearing my throat, I pull away and shove my hands into my jean pockets, hoping I seem chill enough.

"You can go first, and don't worry, it's like entering through a door. A very cool, and slightly frightening gusty door," I add in my usual rambling fashion. My smiles grows even wider when San laughs.

"God, Wooyoung," he starts, pulling out his ticket that Hongjoong had paid for. He glances at me, then looks down, "You're so..."

San doesn't reply, and you can imagine the panic that flows through my mind right then.

I'm so what? I hurriedly think. Funny? Nice? Annoying? Weird?

I want to ask San what he was going to say, even though I know it's highly childish of me to want to know. But I can't help the curiosity. San, though, has already started heading through the portal, so I have no choice but to follow, the possibilities of what he'd wanted to say about me seeming endless.

And gosh, I don't even have the time to ponder over it because in the next second I'm surrounded by noise, the familiar chitchat of students edging its way into my ears. I immediately look around, exhaling a huge sigh of relief when I soon spot San with the minimal lighting.

As always, we're in some kind of tunnel that is lit up by these giant pale blue gems that substitute as lamps, and I rub my arms, trying to look for my other friends.

All of a sudden, something -- or rather, someone -- collides against my back and slings a heavy arm around my shoulder, and I totally don't let out an embarrassing squeak at the encounter.

"Wooyoung! San! Good god, what were you guys doing that it took us so long to find you two?" Mingi's asking us, ruffling through my locks like I'm some kind of pet. I try to glare at him, but hearing San laugh at this whole interaction lessens my anger. It also makes me all the more embarrassed about how I reacted, but I don't dwell too much on it.

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