05 • cold water!

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The week ends before I can even catch my breath, because I'm definitely surprised by how much time has passed when I open my eyes that morning and realize that it's Friday, yet again.

I greet a fully-dressed San the minute I step out of my room -- and he answers back with ease, which leaves me wondering if I'd imagined that whole scenario with him and I last Saturday night. But, I know it wasn't fake -- I can still envision the nervousness embedded in his voice when we'd sat together on my bed, can still remember vividly the way he'd shyly stared at the ground after I'd offered him my room to sleep in. In fact, I've never been able to forget it. I thought about what happened all week like a loser, so why does San look so...unaffected?


My thoughts clear out as I'm brought back into reality, only to see San lightly smiling at me, a box of my beloved cereal in hand. He jiggles it a little bit.

I blink. "What?"

His smile washes away, replaced by a antsy set of dark round eyes and wandering fingers. His grip on the full cereal box tightens.

"Uh, I saw you were running out on the uh, cereal. So I bought this one last night, since you seem to like them a lot," San explains. His palm grazes the back of his neck, his gaze locked on the cereal box.

Instantly, like a lit match on gasoline, that warm feeling ignites inside my chest again, along with one of gratitude. But, I ignore it, flashing San one of my bright smiles. "Oh, really? Didn't even notice, haha. But, thank you. Really. You didn't have to."

San suddenly looks up, and that's when I realized I'd moved closer to where he stood. I hadn't even been aware of it.

He lets out an an awkward, yet relieved smile, and passes the cereal box to me. "You're welcome, I guess."

A comforting, yet careful silence dawns upon the two of us, and guess who just had to break it with their blabbering?

Me, of course.

"But like, this cereal's pretty good. You should try some, bet you'll like it." I lean in and whisper, "There's even a rumour that there's some magic in the ingredients."

San's nose (cutely) scrunches in thought, and then chuckles. "If there is, then I'm not surprised you like it so much. But, cereal's not really my thing."

"Why, because you're a vampire?" I ask. I mean, around here you see some vampires feasting on other things apart from blood as well, even if they're in small amounts. It's not that weird. Even Hongjoong has an obsession with popcorn despite being a full-blooded vampire.

"I've never really liked cereal all that much, even before I -- " I slightly raise my eyebrows when San abruptly stops talking, and I'm even more confused when he just clears his throat and shrugs.

IT'S MAGIC!, woosanWhere stories live. Discover now