13 • fluttery feelings!

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Wooyoung is cute. It's something I've always thought -- always known, rather, but now it's especially apparent. It's one of the things I keep thinking about.

Wooyoung's dressed in a simple black long-sleeved shirt and jeans of the same colour, as well as a vibrant red beanie that adds a splash of colour to his already attractive outfit. I am not surprised when I find myself staring in his direction for what seems to be the millionth time this morning alone, but I really can't help myself. He's just too goodlooking.

His eyes catch mine just before he opens the door to let our friends in, the pools of brown igniting heat akin to flames that burns the inside of my chest. Fuck, I feel so warm and fuzzy, no matter how cheesy or cliché that must sound.

Wooyoung's eyes linger on mine for a millisecond before darting away as the door opens, and I have to fight back a smile. His shyness is so obvious and it's adorable, but I can't comment on it since I'm not any better myself. My hands are still overly clammy.

Shit, I still don't know what to do around San. Why is he so fucking adorable? God -- I'm gonna freak out in front of Yeosang and Mingi!

I hear his hurried, panicky words in my head, and although that should make me even more worried due to what we'd talked about earlier, all I feel is this contagious amusement that abruptly erupts an unfortunately audible chuckle out of me.

Yeosang, who'd been interrogating Wooyoung about what had taken us so long to answer the door, suddenly stops, while Mingi's eyes widen further underneath his blue fringe.

"Shit, San," Mingi begins, taking a step closer to me. His hands are clasped behind his back, a semi-serious look shadowing his face. "You're... laughing. Why is that?"

As always whenever I'm being stared at by several eyes at the same time, I unintentionally clam up, which totally sucks because it's something I can't control. My heart's thumping unsteadily beneath my ribcage, and my fingers curl into fists. I'm pretty sure Yeosang saw it.

And then the entirety of my back warms up and my heart rate picks up even more. I feel like I'm about to freak out, but I keep my expression levelled when Wooyoung's arm slings over my shoulder, his body temperature sending pleasant chills down my spine. He smells like lavender with a tint of vanilla, and that scent of his is one of the many things I've come to really, really like about him.

"San can laugh whenever he wants, Mingi. Stop being weird," Wooyoung says in a tone that almost convinces me that I'm fine, but it doesn't seem to work on Mingi or Yeosang.

I don't think they believe us, I find myself thinking.

I almost forgot that you can read my mind. And yeah, they look mostly unconvinced, Wooyoung thinks back, his palm lingering on my lower back before dropping it. I fight the urge to look at him, because I don't want Mingi and Yeosang thinking something else of it for some reason. I have a feeling that I'm like this because of the unshakably timid side of me.

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