Chapter 5

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Gotham City Harbor

"Deadpool," Batman says in a dark tone, meaning he probably wasn't happy about his return. Also meaning whatever Wade did last time was here didn't leave the best impression. He kind of reminded me of Daredevil, excluding the bat-theme and overall vision.  

"You heard everything didn't you?" Wade addresses Batman with a sheepish look that a two-year-old would give their father when they got caught red-handed in the cookie jar. I didn't expect this reaction from Deadpool, I kinda was expecting him to grab me and run. However, maybe then that would look suspicious and end him in jail, and I wouldn't be in the mood to bust him out. 

"I told you to leave and never return, what brings you back here?" Batman negotiates untrusting of Wade's intentions in his city that he protects, reminds me of my first interactions with Wade myself as Spiderman.  I rather try to forget those exchanges with him if I had to be honest.

"Look Bats, I don't need the sass right now. I wasn't expecting to be here today I promise! My teleporter malfunctioned and sent me and my friend here. " Finally mentioning me, which wasn't necessary since Batman had been glaring at Deadpool than curiously looking at me. Batman then gives him the look that screams ' how do I know you're telling the truth?' I guess I'm going to have to be the responsible person in this situation, aren't I? Why does it always have to be me?

" Yeah, this goof decided not to tell me, his teleporter was on the frits for weeks!" I pointedly glare at Wade and continue, "Which somehow got us here of all places, and from what he tells me and from what I saw myself, you can help us?" I finish unsure if he would help us considering he didn't like Deadpool or agree with Deadpool's morals, which I can firmly agree his morals were debatable. 

Now Batman was looking at me, I couldn't tell if he was considering it or not. He had a rather stoic face, but he wasn't full-on glaring like he did when Wade was speaking. He was silent, which made me uncomfortable even more so that, the so-called 'Merc with a mouth' was silent as a mouse, looking frantically between us. Batman finally says something, making me silently sigh in relief that I passed his test or whatever that was.

"I see, Alright I'll help," Wade than fist pumps the air, Batman groans than adds, "only because you got your friend here involved, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." He addresses me, holding out his hand for a simple handshake, I tried to ignore Wade's gasps of surprise he was making. 

"That's alright this is a rather strange situation, I'm Peter Parker, nice to meet you, Batman," I say as I shake the dark hero's hand. Yes, this was a very strange situation, however, that didn't mean I had to be rude. He was going to help us get home after all.

"Nice to meet you too, Peter," Batman says firmly shaking my hand and letting go. It was a small exchange but I felt that Batman could be trusted. Especially since my spidey-sense was silent, no danger or threats, everything was at peace for now.

"Ok Ok enough with the small talk! We got work to do! How are you going to help us, Batty?" Deadpool interrupts sounding displeased, I could guess why but he was right we had to get home. Batman steps back, his face again as serious as it was before.

"Come to the bat cave I'll explain more there,  I wouldn't want any criminal getting there hands on such strong technology." He says walking back to the Bat-mobile. Yeah, that would be safer talking out loud about the teleporter was a bad idea. Wait... Is he leaving us behind? Well, I guess Wade already knows the way, now that he knows where we are. I accept this fact however Wade seems to not like the idea he was making us walk there.

"What?! You're not going to give us a lift? You're just going to leave?" Wade exclaims scandalized he making us walk there.

"You had no problem getting there the last time you were here." Is the response Wade gets, which I kinda guessed already was the case.

 "Yeah... Well, that was then and this is now! At least let Peter ride in the Batmobile you clearly trust him more." 

"I think he should stay with you, I don't trust you alone." Batman clearly dealt with a lot the last time Wade was here. I was going to have to ask on the way there If Wade would stop sassing already. Batman than drives away done with dealing with Deadpool for the time being. I turn to Wade and raise a brow.

"Sooooooo, what was that? I thought you liked Batman?" I question, Wade was so excited when we first found out we were going to see Batman. Now he seemed less than happy to see the masked vigilante. He crosses his arms and grumbles out something I can't understand.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." I inquire now lightly teasing him for his childish behavior.



"I'm Jealous ok! He's now mad at me for helping Harley that one time and He took an instant liking to you! Like what the @^##! Oh and now the author is censoring my speech now! GREAT!!" He complains I figured as much. Wade may sometimes try not to look like he cares what other people thought of him, but he did. So seeing both his idols meeting each other and getting along for the most part. Plus finding out one of them wasn't pleased with his past actions, I think struck a nerve. " I also think he's planning to convince you to get better friends." He added quieter than his earlier outburst.

"Wade...You're one of my best friends, no one can change that, you should know that by now. Also, he can't stay mad at you forever, you were helping someone anyway, even if she is a criminal I assume." I assure him, I wasn't going anywhere ever single hero has tried to change that. But, I wasn't going to budge anytime soon.

"Besides when did you start caring what people thought of you?" I shoulder him in the side trying to cheer him up.

"Pfft... Yeah, Batman is stupid anyway! Who cares about some other hero's option. When the best one is right here!" There we go, Wade, was back again. I can't stop the smile from spreading on my face.

"Wade... you need to stop or my ego going to get bigger than Tony Stark's."

"We both know that's never going to happen, Petey. Now have Let's get going before the night ends!"

"Ok, but could explain on the way what exactly what happened when you were here?"

"It's rather long but ok! It started back when Marvel and DC were having a comic war....."

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