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No one's POV

Kokichi, still up close to Kiibo, took one last step closer up to him and leaned up close to his face, probably not aware of his closeness. His eyes narrowed, taking in Kiibo's details. 

"Hey, do I know you?" Kokichi questioned. To Kiibo, his breath smelled like grapes. Grape Panta. But besides that, Kiibo could hardly focus on responding, with how close the newly discovered person was. He only just saw him, and his 'heart' was overwhelmed with feelings. Feelings he hasn't felt in a long time. 

He didn't know if he felt sad, happy, angry, confused, or mostly just flustered out of his mind.

"U-Uh...I mean, maybe...? You're Kokichi, right-?"

"YES, THAT'S RIGHT! I'm Kokichi Oma. You must be Kiibo?" Kokichi proudly grinned, not seeming to be overreacting, or paying any attention to Kiibo's flushed face. This was definitely the right person.

While Kokichi finally took a step back, Kiibo could exhale a breath he didn't know he was holding in. 


Kiibo stared into Kokichi's beautiful, bright purple eyes in the sunlight. He could have sworn he was lost in them.

"Golly, you're acting so funny! Are you not happy to see meee...?" Kokichi frowned, though really, it seemed like more of a joke to him. Who knew what he really felt.

"NO, NO! I'M...I'M REALLY HAPPY TO SEE YOU- I...I just...I don't know if I'm mad at you, I'm also so confused how you're just...here, I-I...sorry..." Kiibo looked away from Kokichi, looking down to the grass. He twirled his thumbs together anxiously. 

Kokichi looked shocked, almost dumbfounded by Kiibo, like he didn't expect for him to overreact in this kind of way. He almost felt bad. But quickly, he didn't let his emotions show through any longer, bringing a wide grin to his face.

"Wow, I didn't think you missed me that much! I mean, hey..," Kokichi started, suddenly separating Kiibo's hands from each other and taking them into his own. He held them with such care and gentleness, Kiibo didn't even know what to expect, "Feel whatever you want to! Err...I suppose I apologize for just suddenly appearing. But I can't explain myself right now, or not just out in the open where anyone could recognize me! Y'know?"

Kiibo looked down to their interlocked hands, then back into Kokichi's eyes once again. He didn't know what was genuine or not, but it honestly felt like Kokichi was a different person for just a moment.

"Wait, y-you...you actually have an explanation for this whole time you've been gone...? Y-you have...been here...on this planet...this whole time..?"

"Quite frankly, yes! I have been here, ever since you even arrived here, with everyone else. You're lucky I feel bad, so wherever you feel is safest, I'll explain everything. I'm such a good friend!" Kokichi tightened his grip on Kiibo's hands, making sure he would stay with him. He knew how he could be with emotions.

That word, friend, rang through Kiibo's head, making him feel so much worse. Still, as long as he could see Kokichi again, he didn't care. He could deal with his feelings, even though with how Kokichi acted at times, it was difficult.

"O-Of course, come on...it's not that far from here, just follow me." Kiibo went to let go of Kokichi's hands, though he only succeeded with one, and Kokichi still held on tight to the other.

Kiibo grinned, not succeeding with a smile, but close, and turned around to start to walk, keeping a hold of Kokichi's hand with a firm grip.


By the time Kiibo and Kokichi arrived to the small, yet welcoming house, only about 10-15 minutes had past. Walking up to the front door, Kiibo opened it and let Kokichi walk in first.

"Wooow! Is this your place? IT'S SO COOL!" Kokichi gasped as he walked in, immediately welcoming himself and sitting down on the couch in the living room, which was the first room to be welcomed to as you walked in. It almost looked like he had stars in his eyes.

Kiibo laughed a bit, closing the door and watching as Kokichi acted like himself once again, slightly bouncing up and down on the couch. Also like he forgot why he was really there.

"Yeah, this is my place. Alright, well, while the couch may be entertaining to you, I do still wanna know why you've been gone for all this time..." Kiibo started, sitting down on the couch nearby Kokichi. Close, but still giving him space. It was oddly hard to avoid hugging the suddenly found male, but it wasn't questionable at all why Kiibo felt that way.

"Ah, right! WELL! I'll be truthful," Kokichi took a deep breath, locking both his hands together in his lap, "I had been here before all of you. I saw what happened right when the rest of you got here. You, Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko. I even saw what happened between Maki and Kaito. But I couldn't build up the courage to just run over and y'know...act so casual, like right now." 

"...So you're telling me that you saw us and everything, you were right there, but you just decided to leave us in question if you were even alive...?"

"Right. And currently then, I was, and still am a part of a group, and a leader of it, I'm not sure if you really knew about that, even while playing that game. But I couldn't just go up to you with them right there, either! Oh well, you have your answers, right?" Kokichi anxiously looked back to the closed front door, "I'm pretty sure I have to get going!"

"...Yes, I have known about it. Wait, d-do you really have to go...? I don't even know if I'll ever be able to see you again-"

In a flash, a small business-like card was placed into Kiibo's hand. It had 'D.I.C.E.' on it, then a phone number. Kokichi's.

"Even if I may seem rude, I wouldn't just do that to you! Now I really have to-" 

Kiibo looked at the card, slowly closing his hand and holding it as tight as possible. He felt his hand twitch as Kokichi stood up, about to walk away from the couch. He so badly wanted to tell Kokichi about his feelings, but at the same time, he didn't want to be a bother if Kokichi urgently had to leave in the middle of this type of conversation. But could it just be an excuse to leave?

"Kokichi, wait."


Kokichi stopped in his tracks, watching as Kiibo stood up, and stepped up to be in front of him, attempting to block the door. 

Though, once Kiibo started what he was going to do, it felt like a huge mistake. His body just simply moved on it's own, and now he was right in front of Kokichi. Seeing him stare right back. Kokichi obviously noticed the silence, and crossed his arms.

"Hey, if you've got something to say, just say it!" Kokichi was serious, yet still so playful. 

"U-Um...I-I think I'll actually just...save it for another day, sorry for bothering y-"

"Come onn! You can't just say that and expect me not to be curious! TELL ME! TELL MEEE!"

Kokichi stepped up closer to Kiibo, which wasn't much, and placed his hands onto his shoulders, trying to shake him slightly, puffing his cheeks out in annoyance. This time, Kiibo was just silent. Even after all the times he's thought about how he would confess to Kokichi if he ever could, it's all just gone away. He had no words. Except for three. Three. Simple. Words.

"I love you."

Silence. But slowly, Kokichi moved his hands to the back of Kiibo's neck, then before there could be any hesitation, Kokichi gave his answer. Their lips connected for a short few seconds, softly yet so passionately, but it felt like it lasted forever. Like the world paused, savoring their moment. As they parted, Kokichi smiled. A real, genuine smile. The one that Kiibo adored.

"I love you too, Keeboy."

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