Chapter 5

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Short chapter, not even sorry at this point.

        "Class have just started," I sighed not even having to look to know who just walked into my greenhouse

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        "Class have just started," I sighed not even having to look to know who just walked into my greenhouse.

      "You're an elite now, they have flexible schedules and often go on field trips," He explained making me roll my eyes and turn to him, a flat look in place.

      "Is that really the first thing you're going to say to me? And here I thought we were friends," The sarcasm dripping from my words getting a cold stare, the pride from last time nowhere to be seen.

      "I came here personally, be grateful," I couldn't help but sigh again, having not missed him in the least. "You and three other elites will be taking a field trip to the battlefront, you are to assist in any way you can but you are not to fight directly..." He trailed, pausing in front of the dragon trap to stare at the moving plant I have yet to feed. 

       "Strategies?" I asked pulling a cuck of chicken from the pouch on the back of my belt. Tossing it to the toothed plant he watched as its jaws clasp around the leg, the bone snapping easier than a twig.

      "... Whatever you can assist with," He looked around, in the carnivorous plant section that was a pain to set up.

       "And who else is going to be there?" I hummed pulling out more chicken and placing it next to the song weeds, who were singing as always. The beautiful song being what lures in its prey. 

        "The big three," Pausing I glanced at him, surprised that he called them that. I thought it was just a pet name between the students. Who would have known the council called them the same.

      "And why am I going as well? I'm only the sixth," I asked with a raised brow, continuing to feed the plants.

      "Ranking has nothing to do with why we selected those that we have, your abilities determine where you go and for what reason," Humming I didn't comment on how they were simply dispatching students, who were likely ignored for being just that.

      I don't think I see the point if we aren't to fight, magic maybe? Most can't do distance so that can't be it. Prepare the snobbish leads? Likely, we weren't in charge when we graduated, of course, we're given a little party to order around so we don't rebel but we have no say and most think they're better than others just because their standing happens to say lead.

      "Ability huh?" I chuckled gently, spraying the hissing orchid viper. "Something tells me its more about personality," I hummed pulling a mouse from a different pouch.

      "... This is rather well stocked," He dodged my comment, looking down the row I have gotten used to dealing with. 

      "Indeed, it took more than a few favors to get it so well done," I smiled looking around the nearly full greenhouse. "You should see the stable, now that was a pain to stock," I laughed gently. 

      "Your potions must be flourishing nicely," Aw... Of course, and here I thought he was simply talking about something I enjoy.

      "... Something like that," I smiled, his trap shutting at the cold and distant smile I learned just for him. He was used to my professional smile. This one seemed to catch him off. "When is it I'll be leaving?"

       "Aw... Next, um, next week," He cleared his throat while I slide my brows up for a moment, tossing the harpoon seedling a mouse, it quickly pierced it, dragging it inside its shell of a tree. 

       "Anything else you'd like to tell me about it?" I asked walking past him, spraying the screaming tomatoes as they roar to life, shutting up just as fast.

      "Battlefront is a strong word... It's a smaller unit of mercenaries hired to dispatch a particular unit that has destroyed two full sized sections, of course, we aren't sending students without soldiers to ensure... Safety," Not what I was expecting. Safety? More like to watchdogs. But for who? The students or the mercenaries?

     "... Which district did you hire them from?" 


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