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"I bet you" Fangs said digging around for his wallet  and once finding it counting how much money was in it. "34 dollars and exactly....43 cents,that you won't do it."

It was a Thursday after school and Fangs and Sweet Pea had nothing better to do (obviously) than to go to the quarry and convince each other to do the dumbest stuff they could think of.

"You know what,deal." He said with a deviant smirk he said as he slipped of his serpent jacket. The two boys had been friends for as long as they could remember.

Ever since Sweet Pea was about 8 and Fangs about 5 they've been inseparable and ever since about a few months this crush Fangs had developed on Sweet Pea had formed.

Fangs really ignored the warm feeling and the awakening of the usual butterflies he got when Sweet Pea came around because he thought it was normal since the two were best friends and he'd never felt like this with anyone but Sweet Pea.

Before he knew it, Sweet Pea was in his boxers causing Fang's stomach to feel knotted up. He'd never seen Sweet Pea in his underwear and why would he have? There was no reason.

"3" Sweet Pea started to count off. "2 1!" Fangs said quickly before pushing Sweet Pea into the cold water below them. After Sweet Pea hit the water and came back to the surface he looked up at Fangs who was laughing his ass off from the ledge.

"I'm going to kill you Fogarty." He said laughing a bit as well as he shivered a bit from the temperature of the water.

"That's if you can catch me first." Fangs said laughing a bit more as he began to take off his Serpent jacket along with a few more articles of clothing.

"This water is freezing." Sweet Pea called back up to him. "Suck it up. It's probably not even that bad." Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "Then jump kid." Fangs rolled his eyes back. He knew Fangs hated when he called him kid.

Sweet Pea was turning 18 in a about a week or two and Fangs wasn't turning 16 until another 7 months and he hated it.

"Fine and stop calling me kid. I am not a kid." Sweet Pea had a grin on his face. "Sure you aren't." He said before Fangs jumped from the ledge and splashed him.

Sweet Pea was right,the water was cold,freezing cold. He had to admit it did feel a bit relaxing considering it was about 85 degrees currently. "I told you it was cold."

Sweet Pea said. "And I told you to stop calling me kid but you don't listen to that." Fangs said annoyed at Sweet Pea and splashed water at him,only to have Sweet Pea return the favor. "Hey!" Fangs said. "You started it."

Sweet Pea said doing it again only to have Fangs laugh and before long they were both splashing each other non stop.

They were both laughing and Sweet Pea held onto Fang's wrist and pulled him in closer so he wouldn't be able to splash him anymore and few seconds later their laughter and slowly come to a stop as they looked at each other.

Sweet Pea had thought of Fangs in a romantic way once before but never really thought much about it. Now that he was this close to Fangs,it was definitely starting to hit him.

Sweet Pea let him go after a few moments and they tried their best not to take much from the moment. They both made their way back to the shore and had to let themselves air dry and laid back against the pavement.

Fangs closed his eyes as he let the sun beam down on him and let it's warmth comfort him. Sweet Pea glanced over at Fangs and couldn't help admire his body. He never would've guessed Fangs had abs.

Fangs felt Sweet Pea's eyes and him and turned to look at him only to see Sweet Pea had somehow managed to perfectly pretend as if he wasn't just staring at him.

Fangs didn't think to much of it as he just closed his eyes once more and laid there. After another 15 they weren't as wet anymore and decided to get dressed.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" Sweet Pea asked Fangs as he slipped on his Serpent jacket. "You mean like a date?" Fangs asked jokingly. "A date with you? I'll pass."

Sweet Pea said as he grabbed his keys. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Fangs said offended by his comment and he tried not to show it and it obviously didn't work much.

"Chill Fogarty,it was a joke." He said laughing slightly as he got onto his motorcycle. "Right." Fangs said as he got onto the motorcycle he technically and legally wasn't even old even to have.

He didn't know why he'd gotten so upset over that joke. He knew it was a joke but yet it..offended him? He didn't know and just decided to brush it off.

They both made it to Pop's and Sweet Pea went and held the door open for Fangs. "There,does that make up for earlier?" Sweet Pea said grinning softly at Fangs. "I guess." Fangs said as he walked inside and Sweet Pea followed.

They found a booth and they sat across from each other. A waitress soon came and took their orders and then about 15 minutes came back with their food and they began eating.

"So" Fangs started. "Why is Jughead throwing that party again?" Fangs asked. "I think it was because he wanted to or something. I don't know I never pay attention to him or anything he says."

Sweet Pea said shrugging and then ate a few of his fries. "He said we're not allowed to go if we don't have someone to go with though."

Fangs sighed,he hated to be excluded from Serpent activities. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "Then it's probably stupid anyway. The two of us can just go do something.

We don't need his dumb party." Fangs nodded and he smiled slightly before sipping his milkshake. He didn't know why,but it made his stomach flutter a bit as he'd said we. His smile didn't last long as he still wanted to go to go to the party.

"What's wrong?" Sweet Pea asked him. Fangs shook his head. "Nothing,I just..I really wanted to go." Sweet Pea nodded and thought for a moment. "How about we go together then,as friends?" Sweet Pea suggested.

Fangs nodded. "Yea." Sweet Pea nodded back before he went and paid for both of their meals. "Thanks." Fangs said as the walked out. "No problem kid." Sweet Pea said grinning as he knew Fangs didn't like it.

"I've had enough of you." Fangs said as he got on his motorcycle. "Liar." Sweet Pea teased as he got on his own.

"I'll see you tomorrow Fogarty." Sweet Pea said starting his bike and so did Fangs. "Maybe." Fangs replied before speeding away. Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "He's so dramatic."

I know this was a bit boring but it'll get more interesting as the chapters progress. Also sorry if a few parts were a bit rushed I was trying to like speed up the unimportant/unnecessary parts of the story but other than that I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

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