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Sweet Pea stood frozen for a second before clearing his throat. "I, did. I just" he paused for a moment. "It's just hard to get out of it once you're in Fangs."

He explained as he made his way to his room. Fangs followed behind him. "Weren't you going to tell me?" Fangs asked. "No, the whole point was not for you or anyone in the Serpents to find out. You know how FP is and you know how Jughead is too."

Sweet Pea said opening his closet and opening a hidden compartment and putting the packages of cocaine inside and locking it afterwards. Fangs sighed lightly before crossing his arms.

"You aren't going to tell anyone, are you?" Sweet Pea asked closing the doors to his closet. Fangs shook his head no. "You know I wouldn't do that Sweet Pea." Fangs said softly.

He could never betray Sweet Pea like that. "I should probably get home anyways." Fangs stated. He hadn't been home in a bit and his dad and his step mom were probably worried about him.

They usually didn't care when he'd been out for long periods of time but they still wanted him home from time to time.

Sweet Pea nodded a bit more before sighing a little. "Okay." He didn't really know what else to say or do. Fangs nodded a bit awkwardly back towards him.

He wasn't sure if he should kiss Sweet Pea or hug him before he left so he just went to the living room to collect his things, Sweet Pea following behind.

Fangs slipped on his shoes, along with his Serpent jacket before making his way towards the door. He opened it only to have Sweet Pea turn him back around.

Fangs now looked at his chest, nervous to look up. Fangs's mind started to run wild as Sweet Pea tilted his chin up with his index finger, forcing him to look into his eyes.

"Come see me later?" He asked in a gentle manner. Fangs couldn't help the little smile that formed across his face. He nodded lightly and Sweet Pea placed a kiss onto his forehead.

Fangs could feel the heat radiating off of his face as Sweet Pea's lips touched his skin. "I'll see you later then." Sweet Pea said before letting Fangs go. "I guess you will." Fangs said before walking out of the door and closing it behind him.


It usually took Fangs about 5 minutes to walk to his trailer from Sweet Pea's but it took him a bit longer this time.

He walked slow as he thought about Sweet Pea and his feelings towards him. He still had a bit to figure out, but he was sure that he liked Sweet Pea.

But he was still a little worried for Sweet Pea since he'd gotten back into drug dealing. For some reason he'd still felt a little betrayed that Sweet Pea didn't tell him.

He thought they told each other everything. Fangs just assumed Sweet Pea was a bit scared, is all. As he entered his trailer, he was immediately met by the smell of breakfast, something that wasn't usually made.

He just assumed that they were in a good mood. He walked over to the kitchen to see his father taking out a tray of bacon and setting it onto the counter while his step mom poured two cups of coffee before looking over at him.

"Drew! Your home!" His step mother exclaimed. He usually hated when people used his real name, but it was his step mother so he tried to be nice to her like his father asked.

They'd only been married for a little less than a year and he wasn't super fond of her. He nodded as he examined the food around the kitchen. "We have some exciting news!" She said before going over to him and soon scrunching her nose.

"God, you wreak of cigarette smoke and alcohol. Were you drinking?" She questioned. "No Annalise, I was at the Wrym last night is all and I slept over at Sweet Pea's."

She didn't necessarily like Sweet Pea too much. She'd always thought Sweet Pea was a low life trouble maker. His father on the other hand liked Sweet Pea a lot.

He thought Sweet Pea was just a good kid with bad habits. "Mmh." She simply said before setting a few plates on the table.

"Well go wash up and then come sit." She said before going to grab a tray of bacon. Fangs only did as he was told and took a hot shower before coming back out and taking a seat.

He sat across from his father, Annalise to the left of him. "So what's the exciting news?" He asked, Annalise smiling at his father.

"An offer we put in on a house has been accepted." She said proudly. "That's great." Fangs said. "But the only thing is" his father started. "It's on the Northside."


Yep it's just one surprise after another and after almost a year I finally updated this book. I'm so thankful if you've been reading since the start. I really appreciate you all. Thank you so much for 2,000 reads!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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