𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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Quick A/N: Just in case you were wondering, yes I did just skip to the party because I started to write when they were at school but it was to boring so yea. Anyway back to the story.

Sweet Pea and Fangs walked into the Whyte Wrym together seeing it bustling with other Serpents and not to his surprise at all, Sweet Pea seen Betty Cooper.

He wasn't exactly fond of her ,well he wasn't exactly fond of a lot of people. The two went over to Betty, Jughead , Toni ,and Cheryl who were sitting around a table apparently not that deep in conversation.

Toni noticed them and stood up and hugged both of them. "Hey guys. We were just wondering when you two would show up." Fangs and Sweet Pea sat down across from Toni and Cheryl.

"Well" Fangs started out and then playfully glared at Sweet Pea. "If he wouldn't have taken half an hour to do his hair we would've been here earlier."

The six of them all laughed slightly before Betty spoke up. "Well,you two are here now and that's all that matters." Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"Well what matters is that now we can officially began one of the games of all hell raising. Never Have I Ever." She said with a proud smirk on her face.

"Games like this are so childish." Sweet Pea said. "And you aren't?" Cheryl asked rolling her eyes. Sweet Pea returned the eye roll. "Fine whatever,I'll play." Fangs glanced over at Sweet Pea then back at Cheryl. "Me too." Fangs said and everyone else also agreed.

"Alright so who's going first?" Toni asked as Cheryl poured everyone a drink. "I'll go." Betty said. As the game went on the questions got more personal and everyone got more intoxicated,well everyone except Fangs.

He didn't drink actual alcohol but instead he had exchanged his cup for water. "Never have I ever..." Toni slurred "Had a crush on Fangs." She said giggling as only one person took a sip of their drink and of course that person was Sweet Pea.

"Yep me that's me I do." Sweet Pea slurred as he laughed. Fangs felt his face start to heat up as everyone looked over at him giggling. "Seriously?" Cheryl asked.

Sweet Pea nodded before a few seconds of silence everyone except Fangs burst into laughter for literally no reason and Fangs rolled his eyes.

"Come on Sweet Pea I think you've had enough to drink." He said taking the drink from Sweet Pea. "What?" He asked surprised "It's full. The cup is full." Sweet Pea protested.

"Uh no,it's not it's actually empty." Fangs said holding the cup upside down to prove it. "Well then get me another." Sweet Pea said as if it were obvious and then he laughed.

Sweet Pea was completely intoxicated and was saying pretty much the first thing that came to his mind. "No Sweet Pea. I'm taking you home."

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes as Fangs started to help him up. "Fine,if you want to crash the party then be my fucking guest." He said lazily pointing his fingers in Fang's face and then laughing as Fangs struggled to try and hold Sweet Pea up.

They only had about a 5 minute walk to the trailer park but guessing by their pace now,Fangs guessed it'd be more like 10 at the least. Soon,they'd made their way to Sweet Pea's trailer and once they had finally managed to get inside,Fangs set Sweet Pea on the couch and he giggled to himself.

Fangs sighed and went and got a glass of water for Sweet Pea and brought it to him but he didn't take it. "I don't want it." He said crossing his arms.

"You need it." Fangs said setting it on the coffee table. "But I don't want it." He slurred as he hiccuped and then completely changed the topic. "Come lay with me Fangs."

Sweet Pea begged him and Fangs laughed slightly at him. "Please Fangsy." Sweet Pea said laughing at his own joke. "You're drunk Sweet Pea." Fangs said shaking his head slightly to himself but couldn't stop his heart from starting to beat a bit faster.

"I promise I won't tell anyone. If that's what your afraid of. I promise it'll be our secret." He said laughing.

Fangs thought Sweet Pea was joking around but he wanted to lay with him so badly but he didn't want Sweet Pea to regret it when he was finally out of his drunken state.

It was just the two of them cuddling so he thought what was the worst that could happen. "Fine." Fangs said finally giving in. Sweet Pea had a huge grin on his face as he held his arms open for Fangs to lay with him.

Fangs laid down in Sweet Pea's arms and Sweet Pea immediately pulled him close to his chest. Fangs smiled to himself as he felt butterflies in his stomach.

With-thin minutes,Sweet Pea had fallen asleep but Fangs stayed awake a bit longer just taking in his scent.

He knew Sweet Pea probably wasn't going to remember any of this when he woke up in the morning and he sighed softly to himself as he thought about it.

He stopped over thinking so much and finally drifted off to sleep cuddling close to Sweet Pea.


I apologize for this not well written chapter. It's not as depthy as I would've liked it to be and I know it was a bit boring but for the next chapter I have a few things in mind so if you want,look out for the next chapter. And as usual I hope you enjoyed :)

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