𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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Sweet Pea looked back at the dishes before looking back at Fangs and wiping his hands off with a towel.

"Well...what's making you question if you're straight or not?" Sweet Pea asked as he folded his arms and leaned against the wall a bit as he looked at Fangs.

Fangs looked up at Sweet Pea and couldn't help but admire his body. The way his muscles flexed as he crossed his arms and the way his messy hair fell into his face.

"I don't know." Fangs lied knowing exactly what was making him question his sexuality.

"Well, what I did when I was questioning my sexuality was kiss a guy. I'm not saying that's what you should do but it helped me. If you want a guy to kiss than you can kiss me. It'd probably be better than kissing a random guy." He said shrugging a bit.

Fangs nodded before looking up at him and scooting over for him to come sit. Sweet Pea went over and sat by Fangs and looked at him for a moment.

"Don't freak out ok? It's just a kiss." Sweet Pea told Fangs. "I'm not going to freak out." Fangs said calmly as Sweet Pea cupped Fang's cheek gently.

Fangs couldn't really describe the feeling he got when Sweet Pea was this close to him. It was like an adrenaline rush but he also felt butterflies in his stomach as well.

Sweet Pea slowly pulled him in and kissed Fangs. Fangs eyes immediately closed as he kissed Sweet Pea. He'd never felt this before. Not with a guy at least. He never wanted the moment to end.

Then Sweet Pea pulled away. "Did that change anything?" He asked as his hand was still placed gently on Fang's cheek. Fangs didn't reply as he could feel the burning sensation of his cheeks as his lips practically begged for more.

Fangs didn't say anything as he only placed their lips back together into another kiss, which Sweet Pea happily kissed back. Fangs pushed Sweet Pea back against the couch, only to have Sweet Pea flip them to where he was now dominant.

"One thing you'll have to realize is that I'm a top." Sweet Pea said into Fang's ear, only for him to shiver a bit and nod his head lightly before placing their lips back together.

Sweet Pea gentle pulled his lips away from Fang's lips and pressed them against his neck. Fang's breath immediately hitched a bit before turning his head to the side.

Sweet Pea began lightly sucking Fang's neck and before he knew it, there were bright red marks left behind on his neck. Fangs could feel the light sensation of the marks being formed on his neck.

He could tell they were going to be dark but at that moment he couldn't have cared less. Sweet Pea slipped down to the bottom of Fang's shirt and started to slip it upwards and Fangs happily let him and and raised his arms for Sweet Pea to slip it from over his head.

Sweet Pea lightly tossed it to the side before going at his lips once more. Fangs lightly slid his hands down Sweet Pea's chest down to the waist band of his sweat pants only to hear a loud knock on the door and Sweet Pea knew exactly who it was.

Sweet Pea quickly got off of Fangs and handed him his shirt. "Go into my room and close the door." Sweet Pea said to him calmly. "What? Why?" Fangs asked slipping on his shirt. "Please...?" Sweet Pea asked with puppy eyes.

Fangs only nodded after that and went to Sweet Pea's room and closed the door but listened carefully to the point were he could hear everything.

Sweet Pea took a deep breath and opened the door to see his supplier. "If this isn't delivered in Greendale exactly 2 days from today, you're fucking dead."

The guy said shoving the packages of cocaine into Sweet Pea's chest and then walked away.

Sweet Pea watched him leave before closing the door and seeing Fangs standing right there. "I thought you stopped dealing?"


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