𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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When Sweet Pea woke up the next morning he looked down to see that Fangs was in his arms.

He didn't remember pretty much anything from last night except for when he practically begged Fangs to come lay with him.

But at least it worked,he thought to himself as he looked down at Fangs. He was still asleep as his head was in Sweet Pea's chest.

Fangs looked fully relaxed as he was curled up in Sweet Pea's chest. Not as if he was on edge like he almost always was.

Sweet Pea smiled lightly to himself before he slowly started to slip his arms from underneath Fangs, trying his best to make sure not to wake him.

Fangs shifted a little as Sweet Pea got up. Sweet Pea rubbed his eyes a bit as he walked quietly to room and changed into a pair of sweatpants and left his shirt off and his hair messy and falling into his face, not the way he usually liked it.

A few minutes later Fangs woke up due to the sun beaming down into his eyes through a peak in the curtains. It didn't take him about more than a second to realize that he was on Sweet Pea's couch.

He yawned lightly as he slowly got off of the couch, smiling a bit to himself as he remembered laying with Sweet Pea the night before.

Sweet Pea was in the kitchen making coffee and a bowl of cereal and could see Fangs smiling. "What's got you in such a good mood?" Sweet Pea asked.

Fangs lightly shook his head as he walked into the kitchen to make himself a bowl of cereal as well.

He poured the cereal into the bowl and then the milk before grabbing a spoon and going to sit on the opposite side of the couch Sweet Pea was sitting on.

Sweet Pea took a sip of his coffee as his eyes watched Fangs sit on the couch. Fangs felt Sweet Pea watch him as he sat down and glanced over at him, only to have Sweet Pea look away and focus his attention back to the TV.

Fangs wanted to ask Sweet Pea why he had wanted him to lay with him so badly last night, but he feared Sweet Pea wouldn't know what he was talking about.

But he decided to take that chance. "Why did you do that, last night?" Fangs asked, only keeping his focus on the TV. "Do what?" Sweet Pea asked glancing at Fangs a moment before looking at the TV again.

"Ask me to lay with." Fangs said a bit quieter than he'd been talking. Sweet Pea shrugged lightly and looked at him. "I don't know. I was drunk and I didn't want to be lonely I guess. Why does it matter?" Sweet Pea asked realizing it came off rude.

"It doesn't. I was just asking because..never mind." Fangs said, saying the last bit quieter. "What?" Sweet Pea asked looking at Fangs. "It's just that you said you had a crush on me last night. You don't remember it, i'm sure, but you said it and I was just..curious, I guess."

Sweet Pea nodded and Fangs was right. He didn't remember saying that. "Yea..I don't remember saying that. Sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable. I know you're straight." He said letting out a bit of a scoffed laugh before going and putting his dishes in the sink.

"That's the thing." Fangs called out. "What is?" Sweet Pea asked glancing back at him from the kitchen. "I don't know if I'm straight..."

I'm sorry I take so long to update but it's school that's killing me but I promise I'm going to try to update more and thank you to everyone that has stuck around this long. It really means a lot to me! 🖤

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