The New Kid {1}

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And Here, is, my, New Release! 

  I only say this once so plz note:
Y/n~ Your name
F/C~fav. Color
S/F/C~Second fav. Color
H/l~Hair Length
H/C~Hair Color
F/F~Fave Food
F/D~Fav Drink
T/E/C~werewolf tail and ear color
E/C ~Eye Color
  Great! Its the first day of FRESHMAN year since I moved in with my Aunt and Uncle Ro'meave after my parents got arrested for Robbery, Child Abuse, and Murder. I groggily walked over to the bathroom to get ready for school. I put on my uniform and grabbed my F/C backpack.
  I walked downstairs downstairs for Breakfast to find Garroth, Zane, and Vylad sitting at the table already eating
  "Where's Aunt and Uncle?" I asked as I joined them at the table.
  "They're at work." Garroth replied as I sat across from him. "Oh okay." I said as I started eating my F/F for Breakfast.
  "Um, Y/N, I need to talk to you about your new school at Phoenix Drop." Garroth started. I nodded my head as he continued on. "Well, there is this gang called the Shadow Knights--"
  Zane cut him off. "I would love to join their group."
  "Shut up and eat Zane. Anyways, the Shadow Knights. Their names are Sasha, Zenix, and their leader Gene. Gene is one of my best friend's older brother, they are bad people. They bully, manipulate, and blackmail people of their choice. That is what happened to our friend, Aphmau." He finished.
  "Oh stop it. I'm sure they're not bad, just misunderstood." I said as I got up and put my dishes in the sink. The four of us walked out and made our way to school after Garroth locked the door. It was silent most the way there, and the last thing I heard Garroth say was to stay away from the Shadow Knights.
  "You don't let other people judge for you, do you?" Zane asked me when it was just us two in the hall. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Hell no. I talk to whoever the hell I want." I said spinning around on my heel and started walking off.
  "Wait, Y/N!" I spin around again to see Zane catching up to me. "I can take you to meet them if you want. Just don't tell Garroth."
  I laughed a bit. "Nah I'm sure I will run into them eventually. But since you followed me, wanna show me around before school starts?" He grunted but showed me around anyways. He then left me alone at my Homeroom Class. I walk in and sit in the back row beside Vylad and a white-haired boy.
  I turned my head towards the boy. "H-Hi. My name is y/n." He turned to me and replied back with, "Oh h-hi Y/n. M-My name is T-Travis." We both smiled and laughed at our stuttering. "Wanna be friends?" I asked him.
  "Sure!" He chimed. I spent the morning of my first day talking and hanging out with Travis and a girl named Aphmau, who kept appearing in my classes.
  At the end of the day, I made my way to my final class, which was werewolf class. I looked around only to see one spot left in the classroom. I went to the back and sat down next to a human who seemed unnormally strong. I have a weird feeling with him... I thought just as class began.
  Teacher: "Alright Class. This project will  be due by next Wednesday. We will be presenting them on Thursday and Friday if needed. Your partner is sitting next to you and you have the remaining class time to plan your projects."
  The boy, Aaron I think his name is, and I sat there in silence for a minute. "So I was thinking abput what we could do, and I think I have a cool idea."
  He grunted. "As long as writing the materials we need for the werewolf model as Aaron just sat there not helping at all. "Hello?! Are you gonna help or not?!" He answered by shaking his head no. I started getting a but annoyed now. "Yes you are. Now are you able to get half of these things?" I asked shoving the list in his face. He growled but took the list anyways.
  "I pretty much have everything at my house already. We just need the labels, the clay, and the paints." He nodded, obviously irritated but agreed anyways. The final school bell went off so I picked up my stuff and left the list with him and went on my way. Finally. I thought that class would never end. I thought as I made my way towards my locker. I slammed my locker door closed only rk see a tall black-haired boy with turquoise eyes staring down at me.
  "Uh, can I help you?" I said already agitated from Werewolf Class. "Jeez, someone had a bad day." Said a girl with bright purple eyes and long silver hair feom behind the boy. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want? My cousins are probably waiting for me outside."
  "Whoa whoa, chill newbie. We just wanted to introduce ourselves. Those two are Zenix and Sasha, and I'm Gene, the leader of the--"
  I cut him off. "Shadow Knights. Yeah I know Garroth told me to not talk to you three this morning at the house." I spun around on my heel and started to walk away. Zenix stopped me and Gene made his way in front of me.
  "What the hell do you want?!" I said, my voice little louder than before. "I want you to join the Shadow Knights." He told me. "Uh, no." I tried to push my way past Gene to go outside. Gene stopped me with one arm and shoved me against the lockers. My Irene, why is he so strong for a human?! I thought as I winced in pain at the impact of the locks jabbing me in the back.
  "Oh come on y/n stop being so stubborn." He said with an evilish smirk. I tried to kick him in his weak spot, but he had my legs pinned too. Then I heard another two voices.
  "Stop it Gene!" One yelled. "Leave the pretty girl alone." The other one said. "Why should I listen to you, Dante? You're just a stupid younger brother." I whined in pain and my T/E/C ears and tail popped out.
  "And well well well, if it isn't my old friend Laurance." Gene hit my pressure points in my legs before he let go causing me to fall immediately to the floor with Sasha crowding over me, not letting me leave even if I could get up. Laurance looked past Gene and at me.
  "Wait, isn't that Garroth and Vylad's cousin that just moved in?" Laurance asked as Dante who nodded but couldn't say anything before Gene swing his fist at him.
  "Laurance, go get Garroth, fast! I will hold off Gene!" Dante shouted. "Zenix, Laurance!" Zenix quickly nodded and ran after Laurance. "Now, Dante. How many times do you have to try and stop me, only to lose and I get my new member anyways?"
  "What is he talking about?" I asked. The boy called Dante looked down at the ground. "He did this to Sasha and another girl too. I fought Gene both times, and never beat him." Dante admitted to me. Gene nodded. "I will let you go this time y/n, but you will become a Shadow Knight. Sasha, go find Zenix and meet me at the car. She nodded and ran off to find Zenix.
  "You okay y/n?" Dante asked me. I nodded. Garroth then ran over to me. "Y/n! Are you okay?!" I heard Garroth exclaim as he ran over to me. I nodded. "Yeah, but my legs are numb." I told him.
  "What, why?" He asked as him and Dante helped me stand. "Laurance and I ran over when Gene pinned Y/n to the lockers." Dante started and I finished. "They told him to let me go, and he refused at first. Then he changed his mind and decided to let me go, so he did , but he jabbed my pressure points in my legs and had Sasha crowding over me to make sure of no escape from his grasp."
  Garroth growled and then said, "Dante, I don't think you should go home today, not with Gene there." Gene said as Dante nodded. "You can come to our house if you want, but no funny buisness with y/n or else.." Garroth offered and threatened, which made me laugh at Dante's reaction.
  Garroth carried me the rest of the way while Vylad had my stuff and Dante walked besides us. Zane was following far behind. The three of us talked and I thanked Dante again for helping me back there. "Please tell Laurance we said thank you too." Garroth added. Dante nodded again.
  "Yeah what happened to him anyways?" I asked.
  "When he came to find me, I saw Zenix pummel him to the ground and punch him. When I saw Zenix do that, I ran past them (yeah cause Garroth would most definitely not help Laurance fight and win🙄😑) in the direction they came from and saw Dante and Gene fighting again and you behind Gene. So Im assuming Zenix and Laurance got detention for physically fighting again." Garroth replied as be put me on the couch.
  "Mom and Dad said that they will be dropping by to pack real quick and then going off on a buisness trip for about a week." Vylad announced after placing my stuff down on the table. Garroth nodded and sat me down on my feet.
  "You know Garroth, you didn't have to carry me all the way here." I told him.
  "Yeah, but I did anyways because I care about you."
  The boys and I played video games for about half an hour until Zianna and Garte walked in the door.
  "Hey kids, and Dante..." Garte said glaring at Dante.
  "Don't worry Dad, I already threatened him about it." Garroth said as Garte nodded and headed upstairs with Zianna to get packed. About 10 minutes later they came back down and left, Dante leaving shortly behind.
  "You sure you can't stay?" I asked him. "Yeah, one more hour here, and Garroth will probably kill me." Him and I shared a laugh. "Alright, well night Dante. See you tomorrow!" I shouted with a smile and a wave as he walked away. I went to close the door when I saw Gene pull up in his car. I narrowed my eyes as Gene got out of the car and approached Dante with an angry, serious look on his face.
  I looked away for a second to call for Garroth and when I looked back Gene punched Dante in the face, immediately knocking him on the ground.
  I ran outside completely ignoring Garroth's warning to stop. Garroth ran after me and grabbed my arm in an attempt to stop me. I pulled my arm away and shoved him to the ground.
  "GENE! STOP IT!" I yelled running towards him and Dante. They both looked at me, Dante with a black eye, and blood dripping from his lip and his head from where he fell on the ground.
  "Well well, if it isn't Garroth's cousin."
  "Gene, Leave Dante alone." I commanded with an angry tone. He smirked and in a swift movement Gene had grabbed my wrist and pinned me against his car.
  "So you care about my pathetic little brother?" He asked staring me in the eyes. I shivered with his cold stare.
  "Aww, what's the matter little doggy, you scared?" I whimpered a bit. "I'll tell you what.." he started and then paused. He leaned next to my ear and whispered, "I will leave him alone, under one condition." I gulped but let him finish. "You join the Shadow Knights and do anything I tell you to do. Got it?" I whimpered again.
  "Y-You promise to l-leave Dante alone?" I asked timidly with my ears down and my tail tucked between my legs. He nodded. "I may be bad, but I am at least a man of my word."
  "Please, Y/n, don't do it! I'll be fine!" Dante shouted.
  "F-Fine. I will be your Shadow Knight Pawn." Gene smirked and laughed a bit. "One more thing. Don't tell anyone about this conversation, especially any Ro'meaves or adults."
  "I have two requests though." I stated.
  "What is it?" He asked sternly.
  "Nothing sexual.." I paused for a moment.
  "Okay, fine. What's the other request?" He asked me.
  "You let Zane join the Shadow Knights." Gene's eyes filled with annoyance. "Gene, please. I already gave up my freedom for Dante's safety, I want to at least make my cousin happy." He sighed in defeat with a faint blush across his face.
  "...Fine. The nerd can join the group. But he better keep his mouth shut about any of this." I nodded. "I'll make sure of it."
  "You know Y/N, I see a possibility in you." He laughed and finally released me. He picked up Dante and put him in the backseat.
  "Dante, if he does anything to you again, you better tell me." He nodded as Gene shut the door, got in the driver's seat, and drove off. I smiled not for me, but that I helped Dante and Zane.

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