I'm Sorry {5}

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Aaron stayed with me for the next few hours as we played video games and made dumb jokes. Just in that one night, Aaron and I became best friends. We were sitting at my bay window talking when his phone began to ring.
"Oh, I'm sorry Y/n, I should probably go take this." He told me with an apoligic look on his face. I nodded as he left the room.
After about five to ten minutes he came back in and began gathering his stuff. "I need to go, but I had lots if fun with you Y/n, you're actually not that bad." I rolled my eyes with a smile.
"I could say the same thing to you. We both laughed and I walked him to the door. We paused for a moment of silence, and I was staring down at the floor with my face bright red. Do I like Aaron? B-But he is the Alpha. I'm.. Just a stupid Omega. I whimpered a little as I folded my ears down and put my tail between my legs.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" Aaron asked me. I quickly jerked my head up. "I-I.. Yes I like you--I mean I'm fine." He just smirked at me. He pulled me into his arms and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. "I know you're the Omega Y/n. Don't worry, I won't let the others hurt you. And if I'm not there, Blaze will be." I smiled and blushed harder when he said that.
"But I probably should go before my dad yell-er, I mean, I should go. My sister is waiting for me for dinner." I nodded. "Yeah and Garroth and the others will be home soon too." He nodded and turned around walking away.
Shortly after he left Garroth and Vylad got home. I finished making Dinner (Zane was already home, he arrived right after Aaron left and the other two were at sports practice) and I set it on the table. "Zane! Dinner's done!" I shouted up the stairs as I put my ear buds in to ignore Garroth and started eating.
Garroth and Vylad went upstairs to change and then came down to eat. I finished my dinner and went upstairs shortly after Zane, who eats like a bird.
When I was about to go up the stairs, someone grabbed my hand and stopped me. I turned around and saw Garroth. I rolled my eyes and took my ear bud out with my free hand.
"Y/N, we need to talk." He told me.
"I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower." Vylad said after cleaning off the rest of the table and leaving me and Garroth down here alone.
"What do you want to talk about?" I asked him trying to sound not annoyed. "Look, Y/n, I'm sorry I overreacted with everything. It's just..." he paused for a moment. "We should sit down." I shrugged and we went to sit on the couch. "Y/n, what I'm about to tell you, only I know. Zane, Vylad, Mom, and Dad don't know." I nodded suspiciously.
"When i was young I came over to your house looking for you. Your parents said that you were at a friend's house. They invited me inside for some cookies but wouldn't let me leave the kitchen. At this point, I was young and stupid. They told me that.. That they kidnapped you, and that they weren't your real parents." My eyes widened.
"Then they threatened to kill me if I didn't leave you alone. I was terrified as they just sat and laughed at me. 'Finish the cookies if you want, Y/n won't eat them." They stalked off into the living room and I sneakily followed them. They opened up a secret door behind the bookshelf and I heard crying and screaming. As they came back up the stairs I ran back to the kitchen silently."
"I knew it." I said angrily. "I had a feeling they weren't my real parents.. Before they started abusing me anyways."
He nodded. "When they went upstairs forgetting I was here, I snuck down the stairs behind the bookshelf and saw a horrific sight. You were knocked out cold in a pile of blood chained in the corner of the room and directly across from the stairs, I saw a women. She had H/L straight/curly but ragged hair, and dull E/C eyes. She looked exactly like you."
"What?! That wouldn't happen to be..." i started beginning to tear up.
"She began to rasply whisper my name. 'Garroth, Garroth! You need to leave!' She told me. 'Take Y/N with you, she will die like I am now. Leave and take her with you. Protect her with your life. She won't remember me, she will only remember being abused, she will barely remember you and Zane and Vylad. Plea-se save he‐-...' She fell silent and died before my eyes. That's when your so-called-parents began to come down. I hid behind the stairs but your fake mom found me. She tried to knock me out, but I kicked and shoved until I made it out. Then your so-called-dad chased me and I almost got caught, but I got away with only a few cuts on my back and shoulder. Your 'mom' ran up the stairs closing the door and blocking my path. Without me noticing, your fake dad grabbed my arm and pinned to the wall with one hand." I was crying.
"I-Is that why you never take your shirt off in front of anyone? Like during swimming?" I asked through my tears. He nodded and continued.
"He was about to end me until your kidnapper mom showed up behind him saying, 'Honey, we can't kill him. He is the son of Garte and Zianna, they will find out.' He growled and held the knife to my throat. He began to speak with a threatening tone. 'You tell a single soul about this.. I will track you down, and KILL you. When Y/n wakes up, you will stay away from her. Got it!! He yelled in my face as he shoved me to the ground and kicked me extra hard in the stomach as blood drops flew from my mouth. I nodded and scrambled up the stairs and left. That night when I got home, I swore to myself that I would save you, and never let anyone or anything hurt you again, physically or mentally. That's why I threatened Laurance to stay away from you. And for you to avoid the Shadow Knights at all costs. You are my family, and I care about you, we all do. Even Zane."
I sobbed and layed my head on his chest soaking his shirt. "I'm sorry Garroth. I should have listened to you and told you everything!" I shouted as I sobbed again and hugged him loosely.
"I'm sorry." She told me.
"Me too Y/n, I love you (like a sister kind of love you)" With that she fell asleep and I picked her up and brought her upstairs, laying her on her bed and heading to my room. I layed down and a single tear fell down my face. "I'm sorry Y/n" Then I fell into a deep sleep.

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