School Prom{16}

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  -Don't play song yet-
Aaron POV
  Anouncent Speaker: "All students listen up! As you all know, our Phoenix Drop High Prom is being hosted tonight at 9 PM. However we are running late with our voting system for Prom King and Queen, so we will have a table set up in front of the entrance for you all to vote. That is all, hope to see you tonight."
  When the principal finished everyone continued on with school now talking about who they were going to vote for, or who to ask, how to ask someone, all that. I approached Y/n at her locker with a F/C teddy bear and her F/Ch (fav choco/candy) in my hands.
  I smiled down at her as she shut her locker door and looked up at me. "Y/n L/n, will you honor me by going with me to Prom?"
  She nodded her head. "Of course baby." She said cheerfully as she took her gifts and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. She immediately blushed and shied away straight after which was adorable.
  She put her gifts back in her locker and said she had to get to class.
  "Well let me walk you there." She smiled again and nodded as we walked to her first class.
  *after their classes at Lunch*
  Your POV
  I was in the Lunch Room when Gene walked up behind me calling, "Shadow Queen!" as he approached.
  "Yes Gene?" I asked him still in a good mood from Aaron this morning.
  "I need your help with something important."
  "Oh? Like what? Tagging a building?"
  "Ha Ha very funny. No, but seriously though I need your help."
  I nodded my head to show I was listening. "There is this girl I really like, that isn't you anymore, and I really wanna ask her to prom. But I have no idea what to say."
  "Okay.. Well did you buy her any gifts to start?"
  "Yeah, I got her black roses and dark chocolates. I was planning to give her the roses when I went to pick her up.. if she says yes."
  "Black Roses?" I stood there for a minute. "But there is only one person I know that likes- OMI! Gene you like Sas-" He quickly put his hand over my mouth. "Shh, I don't need the whole school knowing about it. But yes, I do."
  "Okay so all you need to do is act normal around her. Go up to her and say, 'Hey Sasha, I have a question for you.' You want to start with that and when she asks 'What' you respond by telling her how long you've like her, and hand her the chocolates. But take out the caramel ones, she doesn't like caramel. Here follow me I can exchange some of my dark chocolates with her caramel ones."
  I led him to my locker and got out the chocolates Aaron gave me. I took Gene's chocolates and replaced his caramel ones with some of my non-caramel ones.
  "Speaking of her, there she is. Now go!" I pushed him towards her and ran to Aaron as I watched them from a distance. "I don't know how you did it Y/n." Aaron told me.
  "Did what?" I replied silently fangirling over Sasha's answer to Gene. "You changed him."
  "Who Gene?"
  "Yeah, not once since him and I started High School have I seen him act like he has been since you talked to him. And the longer that you're the Shadow Queen, the better he gets."
  "Hmm, now that I think about it, I guess your right. I do happen to have that talent. And you know some over my other talents?"
  He raised his brow and I continued speaking. "Singing, Dancing, and.."
  "Kissing." Before he said anything I planted a kiss on his lips as we smiled at each other and walked back to our table.
Garroth POV
  After School I heard crying coming from down the hall. When I went to see who it was I saw Katelyn balling at her locker with her very little makeup a bit smeared.
  I quickly approached her and began to calm her down enough to tell me what happened. "J-Jeffory dumped me the day of Prom!" She finally made out. I got angry a bit at him, but quickly relaxed myself to help her.
  "Shh, it's okay Katelyn, it's going to be alright. If he doesn't like you or your beautiful personality like your friends do, then he doesn't deserve you. How about this: I will take you to prom instead as a friend so you can still enjoy yourself, and forget about that jerk.
  She nodded and smiled a bit. Laying her head on my shoulder she hugged and thanked me. "Thanks Garroth, I really needed that."
  "Of course what are friends for?"
  She giggled a bit-which was weird becuase she doesn't usually giggle-and then she walked off again now more happy than before.
I smiled at myself for making her happy and then walked outside and waited for  the boys. (Meaning Laurance, Aaron, his brothers, etc.)
  Back to your POV
  I waited outside for the girls when I saw Garroth walk out with a smile on his face. I walked over to him and spoke up. "What are you so happy about?" I asked him him with a smirk on my face.
  "Oh, um I'm taking Katelyn to Prom because-"
  "Omi! Really? How'd you get her to say yes?!"
  "Jeforry dumped her just today and I said I'd bring her instead. As friends to cheer her up."
  "Aww, that was so sweet of you. I always knew you had a heart."
  "Hey, what is that supposed to mean?!" He exclaimed with a smile.
I laughed and playfully punched his shoulder. A few minutes later everyone else came out, boys with Garroth, girls with me-with Aph and KC way too excited. I gave Aaron a quick kiss and waved him off as the girls went off to get pedicures-which Kate and I said we didn't want to do, but you know Aph and KC- and go dress shopping, the more fun part for Kate and I.
  After hours of being at the mall it was almost time for Prom to start. We all went our separate ways home to get ready, Kateyln coming with me.
Your Dress (pick one can be any color if u dont like)

   Your Dress (pick one can be any color if u dont like)

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Aph(left:  KC (Mid):    

Aph(left:  KC (Mid):                       Kate(Right):

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Lucinda (except in Black):

         Teony (left):        Melissa (right):

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         Teony (left):        Melissa (right):

  (if I missed anyone other than Cadenza or Kim comment below and I will go back in and edit the chapter

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  (if I missed anyone other than Cadenza or Kim comment below and I will go back in and edit the chapter.

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