The Truth to be Told {15}

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  After School Your POV
  "Yo Garroth! I'm going to be hanging out with Sasha today, just thought I'd let you know."
  "Okay.. But you got some explaining to do first."
  I began to sweat when he said this.
  "Explaining? For what? I have no idea what you're talking about.. Heh."
  "Y/n. Tell me the truth."
  "Truth? What truth? You already know everything. I have nothing to tell you at all." He glared at me and I sighed. "Fine. I haven't been coming home because.. I don't live there anymore." His eyed softened a little bit. "Then where do you live? It better not be with freaking Gene, or else-"
  "Whoa dude, cool down. It's not with Gene. It's with Aaron."
  "Okay.. So why did you move in with Aaron and what happened at Lunch?"
  "When Aaron and I went on that date, he kinda sorta maybe gotten me pregnant..?"
  He tensed up but stayed calm. "So you are telling me that..." I gulped knowing that Garroth has anger issues, especially when it came to me or his brothers.
  He paused then looked down. Then he happily looked up at me all Chibi eyed saying, "I'm gonna be an Uncle!!!"
  I released my breath I was holding in and froze for a minute.
  "Wait, you're not gonna kill Aaron?"
  He looked at me blankly. "Oh no, he's still dead for getting my sister pregnant."
  "What do you mean sister?"
  "Oh sorry, you are like the sister I never had, and since you are close enough to me as my cousin, I've been thinking of you as my sister."
  "Aww, that's sweet." I hugged him bye and then walked away to meet up with Sasha outside.
  Hours later
  "Hey Sasha..?"
  "Do you feel like we are being watched too?"
  "What do you mean?" I looked behind me and saw a hand move from behind the bush. I rolled my eyes expecting it to be Garroth again, he tends to do that when I'm with Sasha, Zenix, or especially Gene. "Garroth, you need to-" My eyes widened with fear. I slowly backed away not sure where to go because I didn't want to alarm Sasha unless needed.
  "Aww, what's wrong sugarcube? I told you I would be back for you."
  I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes. I glanced over at Sasha once and Creed followed my glance. He smirked as he pulled out a handkerchief again, the same one as before.
  "Creed stop." I glanced over to see Sasha standing there pissed off. Creed ignored her and continued coming at me. I cover my face with my sleeves until he suddenly stopped moving and clutching his throat.
  I looked at Sasha only to see that her once bright purple eyes were now bright red and her hand was stretched out towards Creed, clothes now armor. He then collapsed and Sasha returned to normal, looking drained of energy. I quickly ran over to her and caught her as she passed out.
  I took her back to the car after calling the police to come get Creed. I told the police that Creed hurt Sasha and I and they took him away, him still knocked out from lack of breath. Yeah, I won't be seeing him for a while.
  *a few hours later after Sasha awakes*
  "I had a lot of fun Sasha, I needed that. Also thanks so much for saving me from Creed." She froze when I said that.
  "Hey, uh, y-y/n?"
  "D-Did you see anything when I stopped him?"
  I thought back to what happened and froze. "Wait a minute, you transformed into something. Your eyes turned red and your clothes went from normal clothes to some kind of red and black armor."
  "Right... Is Aaron home?"
  "Uh no I don't think so. Let me go check-" I turned around about to go up the stairs before I felt a hard impact on my head. I began to feel dizzy and I fell to the ground. Before I blacked out, I heard Sasha whisper to me. "Y/n L/n, when you wake up from your deep sleep, you won't remember anything from today. I will be gone and when you wake up, you only know that you were taking a nap." I felt myself getting sleepier and sleepier as I was swallowed into darkness.
  "I'm sorry Y/n." Sasha picked me up and brought me upstairs to my room.
  Aaron POV
  "Baby! I'm home!" I shouted as I closed the door behind me. I went upstairs to find her sleeping in a cute position, which made me smile as I showered and got into bed with her. I kissed her forehead and she smiled in her sleep as we began to cuddle.
  "I love you Y/n. I love both of my girls"
I dozed off and fell asleep myself.

Pretend this is you and Aaron:

Also sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the rest, I've been busy with School Projects and stuff

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Also sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the rest, I've been busy with School Projects and stuff. Just a few more chapters and this ol' book will be finished and posted. Well, It's already posted for y'all, but for meh there is still a bit to go

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