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ok so here is the next chapter if nobody reads it that's fine i just wanna write i might do something different soon i don't know what yet but maybe you guys can help i know i don't have many followers or any of that but i want to make something people will enjoy so bye bye.

as soon as ink and error walk through the portal ink sighs dropping all of his things. error puts down the painting softly and sits on inks couch... well the part that hes not sprawled out on. error looks at ink and says "you ok ink?" ink shakes his head saying "no, im not ok " ink slowly sits up but his head is own so that error cant see his face. 

error looks at ink and says "well whats wrong" ink says nothing for a second and then he says "your whats wrong" error says "w-what...im sorry ill just leave then if im a problem" error starts to get up when ink grabs his hand and pulls him into a hug "error im sorry that not what i meant i want us to be friends" ink hugs error tightly and error slowly reaches his arms so he can hug ink back.

error pulls away from the hug and look at ink who is....blushing? "ink, why are you blushing" ink looks nervously at error and says "its nothing don't worry about it error looks at him and says "ok if you say so" ink sighs and says "well i'm gonna head to bed i hope you sleep well"  ink starts to walk up to his room and error says "where am i sleeping? ink  turn around and says "i guess you gonna have to sleep with me im too tired to make you a bed right now"

error follows ink upstairs error walks into inks room and just looks around at how many drawings and paintings are on the walls. ink takes off his scarf and puts it in his closet and takes off almost all of his clothes down to his t shirt and boxers. error is a blushing mess but manages to say "Do you think you could change somewhere else ink ?! ink looks at him confused and remembered that hes not alone in his room and blushes bright rainbow before taking some other clothes and going into his bathroom.

error sits on inks bed and puts his head in his hands. i never knew ink had so many tattoos to be honest he looked kinda hot...wait what the heck am i saying don think like that. error flops back onto inks bed and lets out a long sigh just as ink walks out of the bathroom in a tank top and some short shorts. in says "sorry i forgot you were here " while a slight blush is dusted on his cheeks error says nothing as he is deep in thought 

what if ink walks out of the bathroom with nothing on at all, error shut the heck up as if ink would do that. ink walks over to error and taps him he notices error arms are crossed over his face uncrosses them and gets really close to errors face error all of a sudden blushes and error looks right at ink and says "ummmm hi, why are you this close to my face" in backs up laughing and says "its fun making you blush " error huffs and takes off his jacket and shoes and gets under the covers.

ink gets in on his side of the bed crawls over to error and whispers in his ear (??????EAR IDK OK WHATEVER) "sorry if i made you mad" this sends a shiver up errors spine  then ink suddenly backs up and shouts "NIGHT ERROR" "goodnight ink " 

ok i know this was a little bit more of a different vibe chapter but i don't care i think its a little spicy and a little fun i like it okie see you next time  


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