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omg i woke up this morning and i looked at this story and it has 332 reads im so happy thank you everyone i will do my best to make this a good chapter

error looks at ink and realizes that something is actually wrong with this au, but he has no idea whats wrong with it. ink looks at error with a blank emotionless look on his face and says "ill tell you what went wrong with this au" ink sits down and error sits as well. ink sighs and says "only me and a few other people know what happened here, so you cant tell anyone" error nods and ink smiles as he starts his story.( some things i say in this part may not be true im not sure but go along with it it makes more sense this way )

"as you know me you and sans are the first au's that were made, well after that i felt like i had to make something original...and so i got to work on this is started out just by drawing up plans and everything was going well but the thing is i had never mad anything before this was the first. i wanted to do something crazy a different" error stops him for a second and says "what exactly did you make ink? ink puts his head down and says "killer candy" ( im actually laughing wth is killer candy im out of ideas) 

error and ink are silent for a second until you hear a small chuckle come from error as he puts his head down and keeps laughing. inks head shoots out of his hands and he says "whats so funny this is serious" after a while error sighs and stops laughing he says "what kind of a name is killer candy" ink blushes a little out of embarrassment and says "i was younger error and it was the only way i knew how to describe it" error watches ink for a second and was about to says something when THUD ink and error jump a little ink looks around and error stands up 

ink gasps as he sees a small door open in the wall a few feet away.  ink backs up to the end of the passageway and error stands defensively in front of him his strings at the ready. a small purple skeleton walks through the door, closes it and the door disappears. the skeleton turns and looks at them suddenly the skeleton says "hey ink your not supposed to come back for another month you were here just a week ago, is something wrong" error turns his head to look at ink and he notices that ink is standing and smiling.

ink softly nudges error to the side and reaches his hand down to the purple skeleton. ink holds him up and turns towards error and says "this is error he is a friend of mine, me and him are in a little bit of trouble do you think we can hide out here for a bit" the small purple skeleton smiles and nods his head and says "sure thing ink your always welcome, i just fixed up your little bunker here a few days ago" 

ink smiles and says "thanks i can always count on you"

alright that is the end for this chapter but ill post again soon i hope you liked it hope everyone has an awesome day!     

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