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hello everyone this is gonna be a "fun" chapter ha i love how nobody knows what i have in my mind but me lol ok here's the next chapter guys.

error has just gotten a cute little kiss on the cheek from ink and he's a little bit of a mess right now. so he just sits there to calm himself down before he goes and looks for ink. error just sits there looking up at the stars until he hears a stump beside him. he looks over and what does he see outer tale sans with the biggest smile on his face.

error sits up and looks back at him and says "whats wrong with you?( im gonna call him outer because im not gonna type outertale every time he talks leave me alone im lazy) outer says "i saw what happened between you and ink! error rolls his eyes (they do have eyes do they? i hope not) and has a small amount of yellow blush on his face.

outer looks at him and says "it was super cute how he ran off and jumped into his portal" error groans knowing how hes never gonna hear the end of it from if he doesn't leave right now. error stands up and says "well it was nice talking to you i should get going" outer yells as error walks through the portal "tell ink i said hi!  error walks through his portal and sighs as he stands in inks house. 

he walks over to the couch and notices that inks not in here. he stands up looks in the kitchen doesn't see him he looks in his room and tiny bathroom NOTHING. error starts to search for ink in every au he knows about asking every monster if they have seen ink. he looks in literally every au this takes him about three days and he finds nothing. error is a mess and cant even think straight. 

this is really starting to mess with him he finally makes a portal to inks home. ink walks through the door using his last bit of energy hoping that ink is there. but as soon as he walk in he knew that ink was not in his home. ink was no where to be found NOWHERE there was no sign of him at all. error closes the door to inks house and walks up the stairs.

he opens inks bedroom door and looks around and sees all of the cute pictures he has drawn over the years. he takes off his shoes and jacket crawls on inks bed gets under his covers. and he cries he screams "INK WHERE ARE  YOU" he cries for hours. its been a day and error is not in a good shape he is huddled in inks covers mumbling over and over "ink"

he stays like this for two more days until he realizes that there was one place that he has failed to check. and if inks there its been six days and error is just sitting here feeling sorry for himself and crying . he stands up puts on his jacket and shoes and he makes a portal. he makes a portal to...Nightmare's Castle.

hello everyone i hope you liked he chapter i know that its short but i didn't wanna put all of what i have planed into this chapter i have so much to write this is gonna be one dramatic chapter that's for sure  welp bye ill see you next time  

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