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"She said I fuck like a god, I told her just call me Zeus"

: Adeline

She sat patiently against the wooden cabinet, her hair fell over her face in soft curls and her fingers broke a small piece of the chocolate cookie. Placing the treat into her mouth she peeked out from her hiding spot, it was night, maybe around 10. She spent hours crouched down and her muscles were sore, hopefully they won't give out easily.

Taking a quick, small gulp of the water she closed the cap and stuffed the bag of cookies in her pocket again. Her small hand grasped around the warm water bottle, silently crawling from the dark hideout, her body stilled to check if she heard something. Nothing. She lightly crawled to the closed window, peeking out the glass peeking over it.

Adeline huffed once she realized she was on the second floor. Seeing no one, her fingers unclasped the lock and her palms were placed flat against the window, slowly pushing it up. Checking down to make sure there was no window under hers - so no one could see her legs dangling from the floor above to make her escape - she zipped up her windbreaker so it wouldn't bother her once she started running.

Throwing the bottle down so it landed on the soft patch of grass, so it wouldn't make much noise, she went feet out first, moving slightly more down her hands were grasping the window edge and her legs were dangling. And if someone was under her they would surely see everything from the skirt. Cheeks becoming more pink, she checked around her to make sure no one was near.

Inhaling a deep breath, her head snapped to the rush sound of the door opening. Her eyes once again met the mysterious brown ones, he looked angry, his intensely staring into hers. Making Adeline want to cower away, she needed to leave now, if he knew she was here than he must've contacted other people as well.

"baby" he whispered, taking a cautious step forward making Adeline inhale another deep breath. She needed to leave, now!

"just come over here and we- Adeline!" He tried to coax her out from jumping but his voice only made her want to jump more, landing on the ground on her back -not the way she wanted - she gasped out a breath. The harsh impact making the air in her vanish.

"Fucking hell" she breathed out, looking up Adeline could see the mysterious man looking down at her. It was to dark for her to make out what he was feeling, but she knew he was angry. Quickly as she could, Adeline moved her sore muscles, grabbing the water that was thrown onto the ground she made a run to the forest that was up ahead. Hearing the man make orders, she took quick steps, if she made it to the forest then she would move in tons of directions so they would loose her.

Turning her head slightly back, she saw a group of men in black start to follow her with him as the leader. Pushing her arms and legs faster she passed the first tree to the woods, her breathing was hard and loud, the only light source coming from the full moon, that helped her navigate through the thick trees.

Turning in different directions, so she could loose them, grasping for air that was leaving her lungs, she slowed down her tired and sore legs. Adeline had been running for almost an hour, and she thought she had lost them. They would've caught her by then, right?.

Resting her back against the hard wood of the tree, gasping for air her dainty fingers moved to uncap the bottle and bring it to her lips, gulping down the water to relieve her sore throat. Closing her eyes for a few seconds, she stands back up on her wobbly legs and starts walking the same direction.

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