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Well things are a lot better today. HearthWitch released a video about advancing witchcraft practice, Legendary Mystic released a desired mythical/powers subliminal and next week I can actually do stuff again. 

Something really bad happened last night but I don't know if I can talk about it yet. Had to help parents with the shopping because a home improvement store is closing down in a week so everything is between 50% and 90% off and they wanted to buy loads of paint because we'll probably never see it at that price again (or at the full price for that matter). I got a KFC for carrying some of the paint home so that was really nice.   

Woke up to find the roof is leaking into my room which really isn't what I need at the moment.

Was talking about the lack of female Starwars villains that have more than 5 minutes screen time in the main series and then joked about how Twitter would say "The Empire has gone woke!" as I was walking into the house. Only problem is my Dad heard me say "The Empire has gone woke!" without the context to understand why so that was fun to explain XD. Anyway the roof is being fixed hopefully this week so I really hope it doesn't rain until then. 

My shoes broke and now my feet really hurt. Never buying shoes from that store again because they only lasted 7 months. Tried looking for the medusa statue I'd mentioned in a previous entry again but it was somewhere I probably shouldn't take pictures of so I didn't. Well I was the only person in the group who believed the statue even existed so at least I got in a "I told you so" lol. 

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