Chapter 17

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I almost do a double take at the last name, “No, that can’t- this- we need The Souls to- Are you sure?” I’m finally able to ask, confusing myself more by trying to find a reasonable explanation other than the one that was clearly right in front of me.

“Positive,” Chamberlynn says, nodding.

“Yes.” Templa replies stiffly, slightly offended that I would question her.

“Is there a problem with the names?” Mascherry asks, fully aware of my answer.

“Lewis O’Connor is Syven’s vessel, and to get to him we need The Souls, but to get The Souls we need 

him. And why is he considered one of our friends? I mean, I’ve got nothing against him, but none of us have met him as himself… I’m just not understanding how to do this, I guess.” I explain sheepishly, moving my hands wildly as I become more and more nervous and embarrassed, my face burns with a sudden rush of blood to my cheeks as I speak. I eventually give up trying to talk or say anything anymore and instead bury my hot, red cheeks in the sleeves of my jacket so only my eyes are still visible.

Templa laughs, her laughter a warm and comforting sound, “Oh, it’s quite alright. We’re used to Destiny’s strange requests. My suggestion is to just do as they ask and figure it out after.”

“I’d tell you to see if any of your friends know anything about Lewis O’Connor, then take it by Temmy’s route from there,” Chamberlynn adds, earning a sharp jab in the ribs from Templa's elbow, likely from the nickname she used.

“I’d take either, just be careful. Destiny can be quite unstable, so don’t question them. It’s safest that way.” Mascherry says in a low tone, sharp in contrast to Chamberlynn’s high, happy voice, and even when compared to Templa’s slightly lower, but still laid-back way of talking.

“So, we’re not going anywhere until we find our friends, are we?” Emory asks, leaning against the wall just behind us, her usual, relaxed manner returning.

“Not if you’d like to find Destiny,” Mascherry replies.

“Can you help us find them? Our friends, I mean. I didn’t know where we were in… wherever that was, much less here.” I ask, still shaking with… Excitement? Probably. Anxiety? Definitely. Panic? Maybe, but no matter what it is that’s making me quake like a leaf, it isn’t helping me think. My breath comes in shallow gasps and my chest hurts, every muscle in my body is tense, probably adding to my shaking, and I feel like I’m choking. I cross my arms over my chest, and the world stops registering. I feel someone’s hand brush my shoulder, and I jump away, all of the sounds and sights coming back in a rush.

“Ayda? Are you okay?” Claire asks, concerned. I nod, but she knows better. I’ve had panic attacks before, but not in a while.

“Aydin, breathe,” She says softly, holding onto my arm to help me focus. I nod, and breathe as slowly and deeply as I can while she counts to 4, then hold for 4 counts, and let it out for 4 counts, until I can think about something other than the ever-looming threat of death.

“I-I think I’m okay. I think I’m okay now.” I say after what felt like an hour but was probably only 10-15 minutes.

“Are you sure?” She asks, cautiously releasing me from her firm, but gentle, grasp on my arm.

“Yeah. I’m sure,” I say, nodding and continuing to focus on my breathing for a few more minutes.

“Aydin, are you okay?” Emory asks, finally noticing us.

“Yeah, I’m okay.”

“Good, because the Fates have agreed to help us find our friends. It’s mostly thanks to Chay, but they all agreed eventually.” She says with a dazed smirk.

“You having fun talking to the Fates of Haiwa, Emory?” I ask with a smile.

“Yeah! They’re awesome!” She shouts with glee, spinning around.

“Alright,” Templa says, turning to us, “We’re in Northern Fralciano, and you’re from the Valdaditsh islands, correct?”

“Yep.” We all confirm simultaneously.

“That’s where your friends are, about 3,000 miles southwest of us. We could bring them here if we hadn’t had to rescue you from Syven’s lair, but we can send them a message about where you are if you’d like.” Mascherry explains in a generously lighter tone than earlier.

“Please do,” Claire says, “If we’re counting on them not being oblivious to it, I’d contact Ty. He doesn’t miss anything.” She says, blushing slightly, though it may have just been from the slight chill in the room.

“We’ll send it to all of them. I’ve found that mass messages are better than one anyway.” Chamberlynn says with a smile that seems permanently plastered to her face at this point.

“That’s probably a good idea,” I say with an absent nod, spacing off at an intricate design carved into a door frame across from us. It reminds me of snakes fighting, but also a mermaid’s perfect, beautiful movements, even through harsh rapids in shallow rivers. It looks like a storm crashing harshly against rocks, but also leaves floating in the wind, never quite landing, but never lifting too high either.

Emory drags me back to reality, snapping just in front of my nose, “Aydin? Did you hear her?” She asks as if for the hundredth time.

“Huh? What? No.” I say my words in quick succession as if trying to correct myself every time.

“We’re gonna stay here until the rest of our friends arrive, then they’ll tell us where to go to find Destiny. They’ll provide whatever money, transport, and supplies we need, but we need to be patient until then.”

“Okay. Thanks, guys!” I say almost a little too casually, going to correct myself more formally before Chamberlynn cuts me off, “No problem, and don’t correct yourself. Honestly, we’re not very different from you, other than the fact that the previous High Fate, that’s Templa now, trained us with spells, potions, and magic,” She turns to her sisters, “None of us have heirs, do we?” She says, almost sadly.

“No, we don’t. That needs to become a higher priority soon, but we can’t start that search until we have these guys off our hands,” Templa says, gesturing to me, Claire, and Emory with a knife she had been using to chop something.

“Don't. Say it, Chay.” Mascherry says sharply. For a second Chamberlynn almost speaks again, but then she gives up and goes back to her book. Emory, Claire, and I talk for a few minutes before Emory goes to talk to Templa. Claire soon follows, going to talk to Mascherry as she traces colorful patterns in the air from a book on a desk in a corner, leaving me to talk to Chamberlynn.

“Hey, Aydin,” She says softly and unfocused as she continues scanning the page, he eyes darting quickly from the bottom left corner to the top left, then back to the bottom again, scanning the lines of odd text, “Hey, want me to teach you something?” She says excitedly, looking up from her book and summoning a thin, bookmark that looks like fairy wings out of the air and tucking it into the page before closing the book, and it vanishing in much the same way Syven teleports around. A second, much thinner book, bound in the same strange lettering replaces it in a second.

“Let me teach you how to read our language.

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