Chapter 24

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“Thank you, Nania. We were taking these girls to meet some of the Makafi around the mountain and were hoping you and Matanakia would be able to teach them a bit about your kind before they leave.” Cherry asks politely, her wings stiff against her back.

“Of course, I just ask one thing in return. Relax a bit, Cherry, you know we prefer that.” Matanakia says, his voice much smoother and kinder than I had expected.

Cherry nods, her body visibly relaxing as she steps back with our group.

“Where shall we take them, Matanakia?”

The green dragon, Matanakia, roars into the sky in response, the sound deafening. I don’t cover my ears like Emory, Claire, and Chay, or even cover one like Cherry and Temmy. Instead, I focus on his cry intently, listening to the rises and falls of the sound’s purity, and how rough it sounds. I hear the sound of other dragons in the distance, noticing how some sound more like a screech or a scream than a roar, and how some are shorter and high than others. When the cries stop we look around, some expecting to see something, others trying to regain their hearing, but I’m listening to how deadly silent it became after Matanakia’s initial call.

Soon I can hear the sound of wings, and large creatures in the trees, making their way towards us, but I can tell the others don’t notice it for about 30 seconds. The first dragon appears out of the trees, a small gray dragon appears, screeching and darting behind a thick tree. After a few other dragons have come into the clearing the gray dragon comes out, their hide now fading from orange-yellow to black. They hide behind other larger dragons, watching us cautiously. Soon there are about 30 dragons lounging in the clearing, or perched cat-like in height branches of the surrounding trees.

“The Fates need 6 dragons to go with them to teach these girls about our side of the world,” Nania calls out, the conversation dying down as soon as she starts speaking. A silver-scaled dragon steps forward, black edges on her sleek scales. She’s much slimmer and more agile looking than Matanakia, though I don’t doubt he could catch her if he wanted, as well as Nania and most of the other surrounding dragons.

“I’ll take Aydin,” She says in a very androgynous voice, full of authority. She reminds me of the dragon from my fight last night.

“Mac and I can take the other two girls.” A greenish dragon with camo-like coloration says flicking her tail towards a hazel dragon, a bit larger than herself.

“I nominate Daren to come too.” The green and brown dragon says sleepily, not moving from his place curled around one of the smaller trees.

“We’re still short by 2,” Temmy observes to Chay, who nods subtly while the two dragons Daren and Mac bicker.

“I can take Chay,” Nania says softly to Matanaki, who shakes his head.

“I’ll take Templa,” a larger red dragon offers, stepping forward, followed by a pale blue dragon who offers to take Chamberlynn.

“I thank you all for your willingness to give the Fates your abilities,” Matanakia says, “Now you may all go back to your homes.” The dragons all disappear above the treetops, and into the dense foliage, all except the little black dragon, and the 6 volunteer dragons, who hang back, the black one watching me suspiciously.

“Xyryn, is there a reason you’re still here?” Nania addresses the black dragon, causing their scales to burst orange-yellow, then fade to a hot pink color.

“No, sorry, just got a bit distracted, I’ll be going now.” He says, climbing up a nearby tree and gliding through the trees and out of sight.

“First, we’re going to the caves, then we’ll go to the mountain top. After that, we’ll go down to the lake. We’ll round off to the west toward to desert and plains, then come back here. Nania and I will lead up front, so don’t worry too much, just be careful,” Matanakia says, stand up and stretching his wings, then addressing us, the Fates and my family, “Don’t jump off, as tempting as it may be with wings, there are dragons around here that would love to make a meal out of you.”

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