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For as long as I can remember I had a hard life with two dads. Some people see it as wrong for my siblings and I. I remember how difficult it was for my dads to raise my sister and brothers and I at a young age. Especially me since I was born with one of my ears being hard of hearing. Out of all of us I was the middle child. Darcy was the oldest and William and Mason were the youngest for a while at least. Even though my dad Louis is older than my dad Harry, he is the one who carried us. Why don't I show you how my sibling and I's life was.

Louis POV

Harry and I were coming home with our new baby girl while Darcy was with Harry's sister Gemma at his mom's house. Harry is 18 and I'm 22 and we already have two children. We are not married but we are engaged. We had arrived at Anne's house and I didn't realize that Harry got out of the car until he opened my door.

"Love are you alright?" Harry asked concerned

"I'm fine" I said with a smile as I took our newest bundle of joy Courtney Johanna-Ann Stylinson out of her carseat. We had decided to combine our last names for her. I got out of the car while holding Courtney. She was so beautiful but we got some news that broke a part of our heart. Courtney's hearing hadn't fully developed right and was hard of hearing in one ear I just hoped that Harry and I could get through it. She had my blue eyes with my caramel brown hair with Harry's curls while our daughter Darcy looked exactly like Harry. At least I have one daughter who looks like me.

Harry knocked and Gemma opened the door.

"Daddy! Papa! Bwofer or sistwer?!" Darcy said excitedly

We wanted it to be a surprise so we didn't tell anyone the gender. Harry helped me over to the couch and I held our newest daughter in my arms.

"This is your new baby sister Courtney" I said and held her as she looked up at me. I gave her my finger to grasp onto and she grasped it right away.

"I love you princess" I said and kissed my newest daughter's forehead. I couldn't wait to see what the future had for Harry and I with our newest daughter.

(Louis and Harry each holding Courtney on the side)

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