chapter 2 || welcoming

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Though the princesses of the Purity tower were all bunked in threes, you ended up in a room of two.

A pink staircase connected all five floors of the Purity Tower, spiraling in a carved replica of Rapunzel's endless hair. The door to your fifth-floor room had a glittery sign covered in hearts: "WELCOME BEATRIX, YN, GISELLE!" You absolutely loved the room.  Massive, jeweled mirrors glared back from pink walls. Elaborate murals flaunted beautiful princesses kissing dashing princes. Arching over each bed was a white silk canopy, shaped like a royal carriage, and a glorious fresco of clouds blanketed the ceiling tiles, with smiling cupids shooting arrows from puffy perches. But as you were taking in the view, you heard a knock on the door. Beatrix opened the door. She frowned at the sight of a sobbing Reena.

"She just looks so evil," you heard her sob. "I don't want to die.

"Move in with us," you heard Beatrix say. "The fairies will understand."

"But there are only three beds." Reena replied.

"It's alright." You said, stepping forward. "I'll move into your room." Giselle, Beatrix, and Reena gasped.

"But she's evil! You'll die!" Beatrix said, pleading you not to go.

"Nonsense. It can't be that bad. I promise I'll come back into this room as soon as I put away my things. I'll hang out with you guys all the time. This won't change anything." But boy were you wrong.


You lugged your enormous white trunk over to the room that you would now live in. You could see the girl, crouched in the window nook, black dress bunched against the pink wall. You took a deep breath and approached her.

"Hi, I'm YN of Alstead, it's very lovely to meet you. I'm your new roommate" You said to her, extending your hand. After a moment, she took it, shaking it rather firmly.

"Hi, I'm Agatha of the Woods Beyond, I guess." She said softly, straightening up.

"Well Agatha, I hope to become good friends with you. That stunt you pulled in the corridor was absolutely hilarious." You gave her a dazzling smile and started to walk back to your trunk, when you heard speak again, louder this time.

"YN, why are you here? Everyone else wanted to move out. Said that I would kill them or something." Agatha said.

"Well, I don't think you're all that bad. They're just scared I suppose. I mean you are quite different." You answered her. She looked down, embarrassed. "I mean, not in a bad way. Sorry that probably sounded horrid. I don't think you're evil." You gave her a soft smile. She hesitantly smiled back.

"Well, I'm going to unpack my things, claim a bed, and change. You should probably do that as well, the Welcoming ceremony will probably start soon." You told her, as you made your way over to your side of the room. You successfully unpacked your trunk and stepped behind the privacy screen and changed into your dress, taking off your tiara in the process. You then slipped off your glass heels, and put on the blush satin mary janes that were provided to you by the fairies. Once you were done, you called out to Agatha asking if she was ready. When she didn't answer, you saw her in front of the mirror. She looked nervous, and shrank away from the mirror.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. You look fine." You told her, as you put your hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks." She replied to you.
You were about to walk out when you noticed that you had almost forgotten your crown! You went over to your nightstand, opened the case. that held the crown, and grabbed the tiara. It was beautiful, one of the prettiest you had ever seen. It was made of gold, with the finest crystals placed on it. It was prettier than Beatrix's and you were very thankful for that. You weren't one to get jealous often but Beatrix was beautiful. How could you compete against her? You shook away the thoughts. You were beautiful. Why would you be a princess if you weren't?

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