chapter 8 || lunch shenanigans

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The rest of day was a disaster. First, you had to practice for the ball, which Pollux claimed every Good girl must dance at. It was going well until Agatha tripped by accident, which was expected because she obviously had never danced before.

When reporting to Animal Communication, Professor Dovey was there waiting. "Princess Uma has taken ill."

All the other girls were quick to give Agatha sour looks, though you comforted her and glared at them. With no one to supervise on such short notice, Professor Dovey gave you the session off. "Top-half students may use the Groom Room. Bottom-half students should use the time to reflect upon their mediocrity!"

Though you were a top-half student, you decided to hang around with Agatha while Beatrix and her seven minions sashayed to the Groom Room for manicures and the bottom-half girls scurried to peek in on Swordplay, since the boys sparred shirtless. Agatha had told you about the School Master's riddle so you searched for inspiration within the Gallery of Good.

You searched all over, looking at sculptures, cases, and stuffed creatures.

"Didn't the School Master say that a witch and a princess could never be friends?" You asked her, as your hands skimmed the wall.

"Yes, but why? Something has to come between us." Agatha answered you.

You walked from painting to painting, studying each of them closely. When you turned to face Agatha, she seemed deep in thought. Did she perhaps know some of the children in those paintings?

Time passed quickly as you tried to help Agatha solve the riddle, but it was to no avail, but she did say she would try and speak to Professor Sader who could apparently get her home. To be completely honest, you enjoyed helping her, but you didn't really want her to go home. She was your only real friend, besides Kiko, who you didn't even really know that well.

As fairies chimed the start of the next class, you and Agatha barged into the Theater of Tales and squeezed beside Kiko while Tedros and his boys played handball against the phoenix carved into the front of the stone stage.

"Tristan didn't even say hi," Kiko griped. "Maybe he thinks I have worst now that I talked to you—"

"Where's Sader?" Agatha said, as you gave Kiko a disapproving glare. She shrugged.

"Professor Sader," said a voice.

You looked up and saw a handsome silver-haired teacher give Agatha a cryptic smile as he ascended the stage in his shamrock-green suit.

"As you know, I teach fourth session both her and in Evil and unfortunately cannot be in two places at once. Thus I'll be alternating weeks between schools," he said, clasping the lectern. "On weeks where I'm not here, you'll have former students come to recount their adventures in the Endless Woods. They'll be responsible for your weekly challenges, so please afford them the same respect you'd give me. Finally, given I am responsible for a vast amount of students and a vast amount of history, I do not hold office hours nor will I answer your questions inside or outside of class."

You heard Agatha cough beside you. "How will I get answers if he didn't allow questions?" She whispered to you.

"If you do have questions," said Sader, hazel eyes unblinking, "you'll surely find the answers in your text, A Student's History of the Woods, or in my other authored books, available in the Library of Virtue. Now to roll call. Beatrix?"


"One more time, Beatrix."

"Right here," Beatrix snapped.

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