chapter 7 || a snow ball?

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You walked with Agatha to each of your classes, because they were together, and everywhere you went, you were followed by Tedros and his friends mimicking hobgoblin lurches and howling gibberish at Agatha. You kept telling her to ignore them, but you knew it wouldn't last long.

"The only reason this happened is because you chose me! YOU CHOSE ME, you boorish, brainless thug!" You couldn't help but laugh at her insults. You looked over at Tedros, whose mouth was agape, and you stuck your tongue at him. You had to admit, it was childish but you enjoyed the pride.

With Hansel's Haven being destroyed, you followed Agatha and the herd of Evers through the Breezeways, which linked the crystalline towers together, and went into Charity. You had lost Agatha in the process, and made your way over to the Charity Commons. You sat next to Beatrix, Reena, and Millicent, hoping to make space beside you for Agatha, when Giselle took the spot.

"Sorry, I was saving that seat for a friend," You told her, politely.

"Who? That witch? Merlin, I don't know why you're even friends with her." She retorted, rudely.

How could she be Good, and yet be so rude? You questioned.

"She's right YN." Beatrix added. "She's not good for you. You should hang out with us more often."

"But she's my friend." You said to her.

"Yeah, good luck with that." She said, rolling her eyes and turning away from you, to talk to Reena.

"You know what, fine. I'll move." You searched for somewhere to move to, when you noticed Kiko waving you over. Still no sign of Agatha, you thought.

The sweet and short-haired girl scooted aside. You squeezed next to her.

"Aren't they so rude?" Kiko asked you.

"Yeah, honestly I don't know how I haven't noticed this before. I guess it just took for Beatrix to be rude to me." You told her.

You looked up as you saw Agatha walk in. You were just about to invite her to sit next to you when Kiko burst out:

"Sit here!" She scooted aside, and you did too, trying to make room for your close friend.

"They'll all hate you now," you heard Kiko mumble.

"I don't understand how they can think themselves Good and be so rude," Kiko whispered to the both of you.

"Maybe because I almost burned down the school." Agatha answered. You tried desperately to hold in your laughter.

"They're just jealous. You can make wishes come true. None of us can do that yet." You told her. Yes, you were a bit jealous as well, but you were very happy for her.

"It was a fluke. If I could make wished come true, I'd be home with my friend and my cat. Um, how's that boy you wished for?" Agatha asked Kiko.

"Tristan?" You watched as her face fell. "He likes Beatrix. Every boy likes Beatrix." You nodded, agreeing with her.

"But he gave you his rose," Agatha said.

"By accident. I jumped in front of Beatrix to catch it." Kiko glared over in her direction. "Do you think he'll take me to the Ball? Not every boy can take that she-wolf."

You giggled at her description of Beatrix. Even though she used to be one of your best friends, she wasn't inaccurate with her description.

Agatha smirked. Then frowned. "What ball?"

"The Evers Snow Ball, it's right before Christmas and every one of us has to find a boy to take us or we're failed. We get ranked as couples based on our presentation, demeanor, and dancing. Why do you think every girl, except YN, wished for different boys at the lake? Girls are practical like that. Boys just want the prettiest one." Kiko grinned. "Speaking of which, who do you two have your eye on?"

"No one," you answered her quickly. Sure some of them were attractive, but they were all annoying and rude.

Before Agatha could answer, the doors opened and a woman flounced in, a bejeweled red turban and scarf that matched her dress, caked caramel makeup, swarthy kohl around her eyes, Gypsy hoop earrings, and jangling tambourine bracelets.

"Umm...Professor Anemone?" Kiko gawked.

"I am Scherezade." Professor Anemone boomed in a ridiculous accent. "Queen of Persia. Sultaness of the Seven Seas. Behold my dusky desert beauty." 

You resisted the urge to vomit when she whipped off her scarf and did a terrible belly dance. "See how I seduce you with my hips!" She veiled her face and blinked like an owl. "See how I tempt you with my eyes!" She shook her bosom and beat her bangles noisily. "See how I become Midnight's Temptress!"

"More like a smoked kebab." You read Agatha mutter. You and Kiko both giggled.

Professor Anemone's smile vanished, as did the accent. "Here I thought I'd teach to shrive 1001 Arabian Nights―dune-ready makeup, hegira fashions, even a proper Dance of the Seven Veils―but perhaps I should start with something less amusing." She tightened her turban. Most people, like you, were trying to conceal their laughter.

"Fairies have alerted me that candy has been vanishing from Hansel's Haven even while it is under repair. As you know, our school's classrooms are made of candy as a reminder of all the temptations you will face beyond our gates." Her eyes narrowed. "But we know what happens to girls who eat candy. Once they start, they can't stop. They stray from the path. They fall prey to witches. They gorge themselves on self-pleasure until they die obese, unmarried, and riddle with warts.

You were aghast someone would vandalize the tower. You turned to Agatha when you heard something fall out on the floor beside her. Marshmallows, a blue lollipop, a hunk of gingerbread, and two bricks of fudge. You gasped with the other nineteen girls. 

"I didn't have time for breakfast!" Agatha insisted. "I didn't eat all night!" Which was true, you hadn't seen her almost all day yesterday.

You were sympathetic, but everyone else wasn't and even Kiko looked sorry that she's been nice to her at all. Agatha picked guiltily at her sawn.

"You'll be cleaning plates after supper for the next two weeks, Agatha," said her professor. "A useful reminder of the one thing princesses have that villains do not." Professor Anemone paused. "A proper diet." 

You looked at Agatha warily, worrying about her and her punishment, as your professor divulged into more Arabian Beauty Secrets. This was going to be a long class...

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