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We were given one hour to practice before they began examining us, although barely anybody actually did it. Everyone took the chance to get to know each other properly.

Everyone... except me.

I didn't see the point. If we don't debut, then we're probably just going to continue training as though we hadn't met. Since I didn't want to waste my precious time, I sat down in the corner of the room, my back pressed against the wall. Taking out my phone, I plugged in my earphones and looked through my social media. I saw a message from Mini saying to call her as soon as I got the chance.

Was now a good enough time..?


I called her number and she picked up after two rings.

"Hongjoong! Oh my god! How is it?" She shouted through the phone. One of the earplugs fell out due to her loud voice. Softly laughing, I put them back on, adjusted the volume and answered her.

"It's okay, but you don't need to break my eardrums over a matter like this," I said to her.

"Sorry, I'm just excited!"

"Yeah I can tell. You seem more excited that me."

"Are you not happy? This is such a great opportunity."

"I know, it's just that Mr Hwang recommended me to René a-"

"Does that bother you?"

"Kind of..."

"Don't let it get to you, you are amazing  and talented and trust me... you are going to smash it."
Even though she wasn't here, I knew she was smiling. That one smile that makes me think everything will be okay. And who knows; maybe things won't turn out so bad.

"Thanks Min, I really don't know what I'd do without you."

"That's why you have me... Hongjoong, I love you."
I don't know why, but at this moment I felt like breaking down. I wanted to cry but everyone here would judge me. I could already tell they were giving me looks because of how I distanced myself.

Small tears were slipping out the corners of my eyes.
"I-I love you too," I said, smiling.
I looked up and noticed everyone looking at me, no... staring at me. I mean I kind of understood why; I probably looked like a complete weirdo.

"Min... I gotta go, I'll call you later," I whispered, putting my phone away and quickly wiping my tears.
Standing up, I cleared my throat. Everyone turned back and began whispering.

I sighed.

I didn't know what to do now and we still had half of our time left. Tired, I stretched, scratching the back of my head and walked over to my bag on the side of the room. As I was crouched down looking through it, a shadow of someone tall towered over me.

I turned around and asked, "Can I help you?"

Holy shit...
This guy was tall.

"The conversations over there are boring me, mind if I stay with you?" He said, holding his nape. I quickly shook my head to stop myself from staring at his height. I mean he's got to be at least 6ft and I'm only like 5'7".
That's sad.

"Sure," I said, sitting down on the floor and patting the space next to me. "My name's Hongjoong, you?"

"Mingi," he replied smiling. "Song Mingi."
His voice was rough, but not too rough. He sounded kinda dopey, but sweet. I wonder what his singing voice sounds like.

"You sing?"

"Rap actually," he said, looking over at the group of teens crowded around each other.

"Me too!" I said, a little to excitedly. He chuckled at this.

"You're such a weird person."


"I don't know,, like as soon as we came here you already managed to piss off Park Seonghwa. I mean I heard he was an easy going guy."

Easy going my ass.

"He doesn't have a real reason to get mad at me, he's just being a big baby."


"What now? And what else made you say I was weird?"

"You kind of separated from the group and I know it might sound like I was watching you or something, which I totally wasn't by the way. I just mean that you sorta kinda-"

"Get to the point!" I laughed at how he just babbled and wouldn't shut it. It was... cute.

"You we're talking to someone and crying. You know that starts rumours right?"

"So? I don't care about what they have to say about me."

"Ok... good."

We sat in an awkward silence for a couple more minutes, before we were each called in one by one to complete the audition and interview.

>> Its like 2am or something
       I need sleep 😴<<

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