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"So what's the plan?" I asked.

He looked at me as though the words that just came out of my mouth were untrue. I guess he really didn't think I'd agree. That only made made me feel worried about what him and the others could possibly have up their sleeves.

"It's kind of risky and at the end of the day, it all comes down to you... it's crazy and stupid and-"

"Just tell me already!"

He sighed. "Disobey him. Don't listen to what he says. Don't do anything for him at all. If he's the one that comes to you, leave if possible. Just do everything you can to avoid him."

Immediately I felt fear rushing through my body just from thinking about the possible consequences if I followed Seonghwa's instructions. If it were that easy, I would've done it ages ago. Plus... how do I know that this plan would even be effective? What if something worse happens to me?

"No way," I said, abruptly stopping in front of the third flight of stairs. "If I listen to you, it'll just get me into more trouble and trust me - I don't need any more of that."

I turned around and started walking back down, so that I could leave. He grabbed my wrist to pull me back, but I yanked it out of his grasp. He stumbled from the force (since he had such a strong grip) and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please," he begged. "I know you're scared, but I promise, he won't do anything to you... I know it's risky, but can you just trust me? Have faith that I will keep you safe..."

It's like there were so many different sides to Seonghwa; he was mean and cold to me when others were around, but when it was just the two of us... it's like he really cared. However, this is what made it hard to trust him. How do I know which one is the truth? Does he really want the best for me? Or was it it the total opposite and he couldn't really care less?

It seemed that he became harder and harder to read as time went on. I couldn't determine whether that was a good thing or not.

"Will you give us a chance Joong?" He asked, stretching out his hand so that his palm was facing upwards. I stared at it, contemplating. A million thoughts raced through my mind, all contradicting one another.


I sat on the bed, knees pulled up to my chest as I watched Seonghwa tidy up. He told me to stay the night, since I agreed to go along with their plan and to be honest, I didn't mind. It was better than staying at home alone. I haven't seen anyone else since I walked in, so I assumed they had already turned in for the night.

"Hey Seonghwa..." I finally asked, as he was putting away his neatly folded clothes. "If you weren't home to cook... what did the others eat?"

"They can't always rely on me y'know," he laughed. "I'm pretty sure someone knows how to cook... besides, they probably bonded while they helped each other figure it out."

"What about you?" I questioned. "You didn't eat... you were with me..."

"I'm fine," he smiled. "I'm not really that hungry anyways."

A knock on the door made the two of us turn our heads to the source of the noise. It wasn't just one knock; it was as though the door would fly off it's hinges. Before Seonghwa could even open it, four boys came barrelling in.

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