Loosing Neko james pov

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Neko whimpered and snuggled into my chest. "I dont want to leave. " he whispered. "I'll find you i promise. " I whispered into his ear. He nuzzled my neck. "What are they going to do to me?" He asked softly. I frowned and held the cat boy closer. He winced understanding that it wasn't going to be good. I looked him in the eye. "I promise I will find you. " I said softly. He nodded and set his head on my chest. I kissed his forehead. I laid back still holding him in my arms. I felt myself slowly drift to sleep. When I woke up Neko was gone. I ran downstairs and cornered my dad. "Your a disgusting human being. You took him on purpose. He was still confused. He doesn't know what he was sold for. I hate you. " I yelled. He just smiled slightly. "Oh really?" he said sarcastically. I felt anger course through my veins. "I will find him. " I said coldly running out the door. "Neko?!?" I yelled. I searched until it was to dark to search any longer. I laid on my back in the bed staring at the ceiling. I needed Neko back. I sighed knowing i wouldnt get any sleep. "I love you Neko. Where ever you are. I whispered.



Hi this is my first Neko story so yea... im really excited to see how it turns out. Please vote and comment. Um what else. *scratches back of head* oh yea if you want to message me feel free

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