He found me nekos pov

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I tried desperately to cover my bruised body from the coldness. My back pressed against the back of the metal cage. I wrapped my tail around my body. I thought back to the promise James made. 'I will find you. ' 'Where are you James?' I thought. I felt my eyes began to droop and I panicked not wanting to have to deal with the night terrors. "Put this on we have a customer. " The shop owner said throwing my a white button up shirt that was to big. I shakily pulled on the shirt buttoning it part way. I pulled it closer to my body thankful for the small bit of warmth that came with the shirt. A man in his 40s walked in and peered at the nekos including me. He paused and looked at me for a second. I whimpered and pressed my self back farther into the cage. He rolled his eyes and continued. I wanted-no-needed James. I closed my eyes and imagined his embrace around me. I needed him. I dont even know how long it's been i lost count. The customer walked out carrying a female neko in his arms. "Let's play a game. " He said smirking pulling out of my cage. I shrank back against the wall. I felt him take off the shirt i just put on. His hands roamed my body. "I'd like him please. " A smooth voice said. I looked up to see my one in only saviorour was...


Haha im so evil. So who was it? What do you think of the shop keeper? remember message, comment, and vote. .

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