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Neko's POV
I woke up feeling groggy. I went to sit up felt to dizzy. I groaned and laid back down. "You okay Neko?" James asked softly. I nodded not wanting to worry him. "I dont Neko you dont look so good. Here at least take this. " He said getting some pills. I nodded and swallowed the pills. I laid back down and cuddled into his side. His chest rumbled a little as he laughed. I felt him run a hand through my hair and i unconciosly purred. A blush dusted my cheeks.
James POV
I smiled when Neko blushed after he purred. I lifted him onto my lap. He looked up at me with confused eyes. i smiled at his cuteness. "Neko," I started heisently," i love you. " He smiled a blush spreading on his cheeks. "I-i love you too. " He said softly. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He leaned his head against my chest closing his eyes. His breathing softened as he drifted to sleep. I smiled and pet one of his ears causing him to purr lightly. I smiled at looked at him. He still had bruises on his skin along with small gashes. Scars from previous cuts still visible. I frowned held him closer. How could someone do that to him? how could they make him feel so worthless? How could they take away the inoccence that he had? They took that all away from him. I looked down at him and held him closer. No one is going to hurt him again. Not as long as I'm here. I'm going to make sure he knows I love him that I'm here for him. I kissed his forehead. I love him. A lot. I laughed remembering what Rain said about me being whipped. I really was. But I know its because I love him. I'd do and thing for him. I looked down to see him looking at me awake. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Neko you know I love you more than anything right?" I said softly. He looked down. I felt a pang in my chest realizing that was hard for him to beleive. He's been hurt his whole life. I lifted his head with my hand so he was looking me in the eyes. "Neko I know this is hard to believe but I love you a lot. I missed you more than words can say why you were gone. I love you with my whole heart and i do not plan i ever letting you go again. I will do everything in my power to let you know that. " I said softly. He looked at me with wide eyes brimmed with tears. I smiled softly and I lightly kissed his lips. I pulled back and wrapped my arms around him. "I-i love you too. " He said softly. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "I know. "

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