
61 12 0

18/7/19 20:51pm
Recently, I've had a lot of time to myself.
Time to breathe, time to reflect.
Time to ponder within my thoughts.
Being so detached from everyone has opened my eyes to a brutal reality.
Without much realisation, I have solely sought comfort in the people around me for too long.
Always venting my feelings while suppressing my self-worth in my aching, withered mind.
I never gave myself the reassurance I so desperately needed.
My flow of feelings was repeatedly blocked by my self-made barriers.
Well not anymore.
Because placing your burdens in the arms of others is a dangerous game.
It's like walking on ice.
The first second, you're fine.
Everything is seemingly under control.
Then the next second you're slipping away.
Unable to recover, failing to turn back time.
Deception attacks when you least expect it, from those who you thought would be by your side forever.
Can I really trust my closest friends?
Were the memories we created a mere illusion?
People change, like a cunning leopard clandestinely changes his spots.
From angles that we overlooked.
The labels and stigma follow me like a predator stalks his prey.
And honey, the words that hurt me are irreversable.
I'm annoying, always clinging onto you like a koala struggling to let go of his utopian surroundings.
I try too hard, because nothing ever comes easy to me.
And I admit, I overthink.
Forgetting every moment will never be straightforward.
It is a process that can take years to overcome.
But I will find a way to get over the memories that were once prominent to me.
I don't need anyone else to make me realise my flaws.
And in every crevice of darkness, there is always a beam of light.
Now I get to call the shots.
Proudly embracing my newly found

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