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After Minho's punishment was finished, Chan and Seungmin took him out to eat as the other two attempted to find Jisung while eating.

"How did he go missing?" Minho asked while shoving some rice into his mouth. "Wasn't Changbin with him?"

"He isn't attached to Changbin like he is with you. I have a feeling he made Changbin leave his room to get dressed or something and that was when he was taken." Chan said. "All I know is that Jisung pushed Changbin out of his room for a few minutes and then he went missing. He might've ran off on his own for all we know."

"I hope he doesn't believe. . ." Minho started biting his nails, Chan looking up at him from the unfinished statement.

"Doesn't believe what?"

"Jisung told me something the other day." Minho said. "I asked him what he was hiding a year ago when Jigsaw was after him."

Chan perked up slightly, intrigued by the sudden info.

"He said that they promised to not hurt him or his family as long as he lured me in, obviously for them to kill me. He said he stopped worrying about it since they were gone, but I'm not so sure now." Minho explained.

Chan shook his head. "He obviously thought they were all gone, too."

"Besides." Seungmin joined in. "He seemed to be really upset when you were taken away for your punishment. I don't think he would try to do that again. But the possibility of him running off by himself still stands. Only, I don't know how he could have gotten out."

Minho scooted his chair so he was sitting next to Seungmin to look at his computer.

The screen showed the blue wave monitors of Jisung's house. It was zoomed in on his room, scaling a perfect replica of Jisung's own house.

"There's no way for him to get out other than his window. Which from what Changbin said, was closed. So I'm pretty sure someone got in took him. But what bunks that idea is that there's no sign of struggle." Seungmin explained to the two. "Any ideas?"

"Tranquilizer?" Minho suggested.

Seungmin hummed, searching the room using the waves to see if there was anything that had to do with a tranquilizer.

Seungmin gasped, pointing to a tranquil bullet that was seemed to have rolled under Jisung's bed. "Looks like they missed him the first time. Great thinking, hyung."

Minho gave a proud smile.

"If we can get that bullet, I'm sure me and Hyunjin can find a way to track Jisung using it. We might need to speak to Got7 some about it. I've never done anything like this, and knowing Hyunjin, neither has he."

Minho nodded. "Okay. Do think he'll be safe by the time your able to get to him?"

"I don't think they were ever out to harm Jisung, Minho." Chan said. "Think about it, they made a promise to never hurt Jisung and his family, which I mean, we both know they were going to do, but the catch was he needed to lure you in. I think they're after us, so they won't hurt Jisung too much."

Minho nodded. "Yeah, you're right."


Minho watched as Seungmin and Hyunjin worked with Youngjae and Mark from Got7, using the tranquil bullet. He wasn't supposed to be in the room, but he was becoming impatient.

When Seungmin spotted him, he pointed to the door.

Minho rolled his eyes but left the room.

Despite knowing who exactly Jigsaw was after, Minho could not help but worry for Jisung's safety. They nearly killed him (not really but they really hurt him) a year ago and he was sure they would not hesitate to do it again.

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