Chapter 10 - Morning Glow

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Peter's eyes flutter open with the bright light of the late morning coming through the floor-to-ceiling windows, TV no longer on

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Peter's eyes flutter open with the bright light of the late morning coming through the floor-to-ceiling windows, TV no longer on. His eyes meet Shiloh's sleeping face, him having rolled onto his side in his sleep and facing her. Her arm is still wrapped around his torso, her fingers grasping the fabric of his shirt while he's got his other arm holding her to him. And, just the corners of his mouth pulls into the most tender smile as he watches her sleep and it's the most at peace he's felt in years.

He brings his hand up and brushes a strand of hair from her face before moving his fingers, delicate and holding a slight quiver, to her cheek, minding the scars. And his eyes are soft as he looks at her, thumb lightly tracing over her skin. The morning glow of the sun brightens the room and she's breathing against him, her heart beating at a slow but steady rate.

She looks absolutely and undeniably beautiful, finally, sleeping and just as at peace as Peter. His heart swells and he doesn't plan to ever move. He'll lay here, despite really needing to go to the bathroom, if it means she gets to sleep. The skeleton in his head is completely silent. It's silent, he can't even hear it screaming from the blinding light anymore because he is happy. Content and at peace and it's because of her.

How's she do that?

But, then the hairs on Peter's neck start to stand up and everything starts to slow down. Goosebumps form across his body, hairs on his arm stand on end and he's suddenly aware of every breath and footstep across the entire tower. And he doesn't have his webshooters because this is the safe place. He is supposed to be safe here and really, he is, but his spider-sense doesn't know that anymore. Last night was the first time in two years Peter's listened to it and he's listening now.

Peter moves himself quickly over Shiloh, ignoring the shooting pain through his right leg and right side, making sure she's the one protected. His right hand holds himself up and by the time he's sticking his left arm out, ready to clothesline whoever is coming near, his fist connects right to the shoulder of whoever was approaching, sending them to the side in shooting pain all while the sudden movement and yell wakes Shiloh up.

She squints her eyes up at Peter, seeing him on top of her. She looks to one side and she catches a glimpse of Harley, face red while he rubs his arm and for a second, she's almost certain she's definitely having some out of body dream. Peter, on top of her, protecting her from the danger of probably a Nerf gun from Harley.

Nope, that's definitely reality.

"Why'd you hit me?!" Harley yells at Peter, still rubbing his arm that's definitely going to bruise later.

Peter stares at him, jaw fumbling for words. "I-I thought...I thought...I dunno! You came out of nowhere!" Peter defends.

Shiloh watches the boys yell between each other, Harley screaming about how Peter could have broken his arm or his face and Peter defending himself by yelling that Harley knows not to sneak up on him. Truthfully, it would annoy the hell out of Shiloh if she weren't so interested in the fact Peter has made no effort to move off of her and it's giving her an interesting view of his messy bedhead and his adam's apple bobbing with every yell. His bicep is flexed beside her, another friendly reminder of his super strength and his chiseled jawline in perfect view with his head tilted towards Harley, faint freckles covering his nose that's been broken a few too many times. And maybe he's even prettier in the morning glow, even if he is yelling at Harley.

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