Far From Home Exert

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A/n: This contains FFH spoilers so if you haven't seen FFH and/or you don't want to be spoiled, don't read. This isn't actually "important" to the story. Like you don't need to read this to keep reading (the series itself will be FFH spoiler free). This is just a random exert I wanted to write!! Thoughts are in bold italics.

The high pitched squeal muffled by enormous engines rumble through Shiloh's ears as she watches the jet land in an open space of land, just where Happy said he'd be

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The high pitched squeal muffled by enormous engines rumble through Shiloh's ears as she watches the jet land in an open space of land, just where Happy said he'd be. She called, hours ago about not being able to reach Peter. It didn't take much to get him to agree to come help but it did take a lot of begging and pleading to get him not to tell Tony and bring Tony with. This was something she needed to do with the help of Happy, not her dad.

"Hey, what happened?" Happy asks, exiting the jet as Shiloh approaches.

"I'll explain on the way." Shiloh sighs with the shake of her head, her hand gripping her backpack strap over her shoulder.

Happy leads her onto the plane and the two of them take seats in the cockpit of the plane. Shiloh immediately starts working on the screens, trying to find a way to find Peter. According to the tracking device with his phone, he's in Germany but Shiloh's already tried calling Fury and he hasn't answered, naturally. And she doesn't have access to the stealth suit, she only has access to Stark tech which begs the question, where the hell is Peter?

"Um, building, building, building," Shiloh mutters to herself, looking at the screen.

And she knows they would have to be in a building somewhere but Germany is filled with buildings. Fury wouldn't have just a random building, it would be an official building or it would some secret one. Something which really doesn't help the situation because there are hundreds of official buildings and if it's a secret building, well she can forget that. But there has to be some way to track Peter.

"Shiloh," Happy calls. "What happened?"

Shiloh sigh, barely peeling her eyes away from the screen. "This guy we thought was a good guy is a bad guy and he's been tricking everyone. Peter went to Germany last night--"

"Peter went to Germany?!" Happy's eyes go wide and his face reddens a little.

"Yeah, that's where Fury said him and Mysterio were going so Peter went to go tell Fury that Mysterio has been lying the whole time and he's actually the one with the elementals. And they aren't even real. They're all holograms." Shiloh explains, her arms going out and gesturing with her hands with wide eyes.

Happy blinks at her a few times before nodding. "Right, and now Peter isn't answering your calls?"

"Yeah, he always answers me. I gotta find him, Happy. I got a bad feeling with this dude. Like, if he can create illusions........" Shiloh freezes, looking to Happy and then her voice goes quiet, mouse-like. "Oh, I forgot I major detail....."

"Oh, no." Happy sighs, his voice contorting into something of dread.

"Remember the glasses my dad gave him? Yeah......" Shiloh pauses again, her face distressed and dreading telling Happy. "He gave them to Mysterio."

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