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We can't just leave him like this.

Draal would want us to keep going.

Draal... I'm so sorry.

For Draal.

In the void, he could faintly hear small whispers of the voices. Mostly the Trollhunter's. James Lake Junior, someone who had proven to be his greatest friend. A brother.

He remembered the pain.

He remembered falling.

Then dying.

Then the brief sensation of shattering.

So why was he just hanging here?

It felt like he was floating on air, but if he was even opening his eyes, he couldn't see. It was darkness all around him, but he knew for certain that this wasn't death. He would have thought he would have joined fallen comrades, such as Vendell. Or maybe seen his father again, at least for a brief moment. Yet, this was just... floating in nothing. Like he was waiting for something. Why wasn't he with the others who had passed yet? He could feel others in death pass him, like rushing flaps of wind, but only for a moment, and then it would be still again.

Where was he?

He tried to call out, but there was no sound. All was silence, something that seemed to make his ears ring. He turned his head, trying to see something, anything. But no sight nor sound soothed him. He gulped slightly, raising his stone hand and feeling his chest. Well, he could still feel, at least, though it was a small sensation. He was slowly growing more and more afraid, and yes, a troll was always to be afraid, but this kind of fear made his stomach turn and his stone spikes twitch in anticipation.

Wait... was there someone else here? He felt as if there was something close by.. Was someone else here in the void with him? He tried to swing his body, which was barely a body here, around to see if he could touch it, whatever it was. He reached out everywhere he could, but for some reason, the floating sensation was also like a glue, sticking him in that one place. He couldn't get very far, but the more he struggled, the more he knew that someone else was here with him.

Then, everything seemed to grow wild as he felt a rush of wind race past him. He raised his arms in instinctive self defense, closing his eyes but opening them again quickly to try and see what was happening. A small light flickered behind him in the distance, and he turned his head sharply. There was where the wind was heading, dragging something along with it. No, someone! He could see a silhouette getting farther and farther away, but he couldn't make it out. Whoever it was, the wind wasn't taking him with it. He heard a brief shout of surprise before the light seemed to vacuum it all away in a split second, and then there was piercing silence again.

He relaxed, lowering his arms again and blinking a few times, more curious then frightened now. The presence he had felt was gone now, making him a little saddened and lonely.


Something that had haunted him harshly after his father's death. It had been partially his fault. He had pushed everyone away as he had mourned, making himself a lone warrior. Sure, he had friends in Troll Market. Blinkous and Aaarrgh had been his friends long before he knew the human Trollhunter. However, after he had lost that closest to him, he no longer wanted to be a part of family.

But then the loneliness had hit him like a stone wall. He had never imagined it would be so strong. So strong that he almost reached out for his friends again, but it also made it seem easier to shove them away as well. He had no one, and it was easy to keep it that way.

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